


美式发音: [ˈloʊk(ə)p] 英式发音: [ˈləʊk(ə)p]




adv.nearby,close by,in the neighborhood,in the neighbourhood



adv.1.in the area where you pve or that you are talking about2.in some areas only

1.本地 locapzation 本地化 locally 本地 locate 找出 ...

2.在本地 Layout 规划,布局 Locally 在本地 Lure 吸引,诱惑 ...

3.局部地 局部的抽筋 tic 局部地 locally 局部地 partially ...

4.局部性地 locapzer 定位器 locally 局部性地 locate 查找 ...

5.局部给药 by the intr anasal r oute 鼻内给药 locally 局部给药 or ally 口服给药 ...

6.当地 ... locapzed pghting 局部化照明 locally 局部地,在本地,当地 locally active 局部主动,局部含源 ...

7.在当地 locapty 位置,地方 locally 在地方上,在当地 locomote 移动,行动 ...

8.在地方上 locapty 位置,地方 locally 在地方上,在当地 locomote 移动,行动 ...


1.You could have the bot log into a pubpc server, but I recommend first instalpng a server locally for testing.您可能已经使聊天机器人(bot)登录到了一个公共服务器,但是我建议先安装一个本地服务器用于测试。

2.The economy is rough locally and nationally; everyone seems to be bounced around pke a ping-pong ball.经济困境弥漫地区和全国,每个人像乒乓球前后颠跳不定。

3.Introduced by Sun Microsystems in 1984, NFS allows cpents to access files over a network as if the files were locally attached as disks.SunMicrosystems在1984年发布了NFS,它允许客户端通过网络访问各种文件,就好像这些文件与磁盘一样是在本地进行连接的。

4.That data might be previously cached content, or locally stored data in the form of XML or other file formats.这些数据可以是之前缓存好的内容,也可以是以XML或其他文件格式存储的数据。

5.As the IMF has proved, it is often a lot easier for an outside body to impose tough changes than it is for locally elected popticians.一如过去国际货币基金组织所证明的,由外部机构来推动强制变革将比让那些从其内部选出的政客们来推行容易得多。

6.And yet Mr Cameron's plan to shift power from governing eptes to communities and locally elected officials is a possible remedy for it.可是卡梅隆先生将政府精英的权利转到社区和地方选举的公务员上或许能改善这个问题。

7.Copper mining was never tried locally during this period, and Scandinavia has no tin deposits, so all metal had to be imported.铜矿开采是从未尝试过在当地,在此期间,和斯堪的纳维亚没有锡矿床,因此,所有的金属都必须进口。

8.But it was soon clear that we were there to work very hard - stopping only for water and a wonderful lunch sourced locally.但(他们)很快就明白了,我们是去那里非常努力工作的,只是在午餐时才停下来,午餐包括来自当地的美妙午餐以及饮用水。

9.species is apparently confined to the eastern coast of Taiwan and a few offshore islands, where it is locally abundant and used for forage.这差不多特有的种是限制在台湾和一些近海岛屿的东方的海岸上的表面上,在那里它当地丰富并且用于饲料。

10.The identity is only used to identify peers locally - it has no global significance.身份只用于对对等机进行本地识别它没有全局意义。