


美式发音: 英式发音: [hju:m]

n.休姆;David Hume大卫休谟



n.1.休姆2.David Hume大卫休谟

1.休谟 hume→ 进入土中) hume出土→掘出) (hum+mock 圆丘→土丘) ...

7.挖出 (ex+hale 气→出气→呼气) (ex+hume 土→出土→挖出) (exo+sphere 球;大气层) ...

8.休姆水库与图马河汇合后向西流,穿过休姆水库(Hume),在罗宾韦尔(Robinvale)附近接纳它的第二大支流马兰比吉(Murrumbidgee)河, …


1.It is no exaggeration to say that: "In the future all of the philosophical theology, have had to consider Hume's research. "可以毫不夸张地说:“以后所有的哲理神学,都不得不考虑休谟的研究。”

2.Since Hume, the problem of induction had been a puzzle that baffled western empiricist scientists and philosophers.自休谟以来,归纳问题一直是困扰西方经验主义科学家和哲学家的难题。

3.Hume, as the greatest philosophers of the eighteenth century, one of its radical empiricism (skepticism) known world.休谟作为十八世纪最伟大的哲学家之一,以其彻底的经验论(怀疑论)著称于世。

4.So there's a bit of a nice irony here that Hume who all these philosophers in this period is probably most opposed to Descartes.这里具有讽刺意味的是,休谟以及那个时代所有的哲人们,几乎都反对笛卡尔的观点。

5.The contractor said, "It's true, Hume didn't agree. but the house needed the painting and I gave it a very good one. "承包商说:“休谟是没有同意,但房子需要翻新,而我把它很好的刷了一遍。”

6.And I think quantum mechanics is a beautiful example of how Hume's approach to science is turned out to be right rather than Kant's.而且我认为量子机械学很好地例证了,休谟的哲学方法是正确的,而康德的则不然。

7.David Hume known at the time as the great infidel by some was probably the greatest philosopher of this period, that's anyways my view.大卫休谟可能是当时最伟大的哲学家了,同时也是一位异教徒,至少我这么认为。

8.Traditional truth was "the accordance of proposition and object" from Aristotle. But Hume bepeved that "there is no truth, only bepef" .传统真理观是自亚里士多德以来“命题与对象的符合”,休谟则认为“没有真理,只有信念”。

9.In Book II of A Treatise of Human Nature, Hume discusses the issue of personal identity to another level when he discussed human emotion.在本书第二卷中休谟讨论人的情感时他又在另一个层面讨论了人格同一性的问题。

10.Of these intellectuals the least sociological was David Hume but his influence on Smith and Ferguson was crucial.在这批学者中,同社会学关涉最少的是大卫·休谟,但他对斯密和弗格森的影响却极大。