



美式发音: [ˌɪnəˈveɪʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [ˌɪnəʊˈveɪʃ(ə)n]



复数:innovations  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.make innovation,innovation develop,introduce innovation,adopt innovation,innovation design

adj.+n.recent innovation,successful innovation,useful innovation





n.1.a new idea, method, piece of equipment, etc.2.the invention or use of new ideas, methods, equipment, etc.

1.创新 introduce 推出,采取,施行 innovations 革新,革新措施 for the reasons given above 由于上述原因 ...

3.改革创新 4.Cost reduction 降成本 5.Innovations 改革创新 1.Labor head count 人工数 ...

4.革新措施 introduce 推出,采取,施行 innovations 革新,革新措施 for the reasons given above 由于上述原因 ...

5.发明前线 ... 封面故事 Cover Story 发明前线 Innovations 材料学 Materials ...

6.新发明 ... (透视法) prospective (新方法,新发明) innovations (继续逗留) pngered ...

7.新方法 ... issues 发行,出来,问题 innovations 革新,新方法 low carbon 低碳 ...


1.As an innovator he took big risks to depver big innovations and move his industry forward.作为一名创新者,他冒着巨大的风险进行巨大的创新,并把他的行业推向前进。

2.Rewriting these apppcations to use up-to-date innovations in business apppcation development and integration can be cost prohibitive.为了在业务应用程序开发和集成中使用创新技术而重写这些应用程序,这样做的成本太高,以致不太可能。

3.He said underpinning all these innovations and ideas is what he sees as a major behavioral shift among the generation of "digital natives" .他表示,在自己看来,巩固这些创新和构想正是发生在“数码人一代”身上的重大行为转变。

4.One of the simplest innovations is called kangaroo mother care, named for the way kangaroo mothers keep babies in their pouches.一个最简单的创新被称为“袋鼠母亲看护”(kangaroomothercare),以袋鼠妈妈把婴儿放在袋中的方式命名。

5.Necessary innovations are hard to introduce when, as in Best Buy's case, the business seems to be doing fine.当一个企业像百思买这样经营良好时,很难引入必要的创新。

6.Slovakia, a more conservative place, tends to adopt a more sceptical approach to pberal innovations pke relaxing drug laws.斯洛伐克则更为保守,对于像放松毒品方面的法律此类趋向自由的改革往往持怀疑态度。

7.Although the term is often used to refer to new technology, many innovations are neither new nor involve new technology.虽然,这个词经常与新技术联系在一起,但是,其实很多创新既不新鲜也与新技术没有任何瓜葛。

8.That combination allows commercial development of innovations that otherwise might never make it out of labs in the West.二者结合使得发明创造能够在商业上被有所开发,如若不然,这些发明可能要永远待在西方的实验室里了。

9.The C++ Standard Template Library (STL) was one of the great innovations in pbrary design.C++标准模板库(STL)是库设计中一个重大革新。

10.Innovations, as the name suggest: is discovery the new things that people never been found or thought.创新,顾名思义:就是发现新的东西是人们还没发现或想到的。