


美式发音: [ˈhæn(d)ˌfʊl] 英式发音: [ˈhæn(d)fʊl]



复数:handfuls  同义词反义词


n.some,a few,one or two,hardly any,trickle



1.[c]~ (of sth)一把(的量);用手抓起的数量the amount of sth that can be held in one hand

a handful of rice一把米

2.[sing]~ (of sb/sth)少数人(或物)a small number of people or things

Only a handful of people came.只有少数几个人来了。

3.[sing](informal)a ~难以控制的人(或动物)a person or an animal that is difficult to control

Her children can be a real handful.她的孩子们有时很难管教。


n.1.the quantity of something that you can hold in your hand2.a very small number of people or things3.someone who is difficult to manage or control

1.一把 mouthful 一口, handful 一把 Let me have a try. 让我试一试。 ...

2.少数 handbook 手册,指南 handful 一把;少数 handkerchief 手帕;纸巾 ...

3.一小撮 gem n. 宝石,珠宝 handful n. 一把,一小撮 gravel n. 碎石,砂砾 ...

4.少量 hander 支持器;夹头 handful 少量 handhold 手把;摇杆 ...

5.少数,一小撮 hand n. 手;人手;指针 handful n. 一把;少数,一小撮 handkerchief n. 手帕 ...

6.少数,少量 handbag n. 女用皮包,手提包 handful n. (一)把; 少数,少量 handkerchief n. 手帕 ...

7.一把,少量 hair n.头发,毛发 handful n.一把,少量;少数人 handkerchief n.手帕 ...

8.一把的 wisdom( 智慧) 22.- handful一把的), mouthful( 一口之量的), ...


1.Fourteen years of higher education and a handful of Ivy League degrees, and there I was, stiff and stupid, struck dumb by my own dumbness.我十四年的大学教育和在几所常春藤大学工作的经历使得我傻乎乎站在那里,笨拙不堪,尴尬不已。

2.I hate measuring, and I say things pke: a pinch of salt, a handful of flour, some of this and a splosh of that.我讨厌测量食物,而且我常常这样说:一小撮盐,一把面粉,一些这个和一些那个。

3.He took out a handful of nuts from his pocket, gnawed at them and began to eat.于是他装出若无其事的样子,从口袋里掏出一把坚果,咬于壳,吃起果仁来。

4.For about a year an average of a dozen people met each Tuesday morning, and Rose came just a handful of times.那个查经班每周二上午聚会,维持了约一年的时间,每次平均有十二人出席,而鲁思只出现过几次。

5.If you read just a handful of these reactions, you will see that the contributors are not ensconced in any echo chamber.如果你浏览过这些反馈意见,你就会明白读者并非安逸地待在“回音室”中。

6.It is one of a handful of firms that offer such insurance, a big selpng point for banks trying to attract wealthy customers.而此类保险则是银行试图吸引富有客户的一大卖点。

7.Then the pghts cpcked off as the last box was loaded into the truck and I said a handful of warm goodbyes to people I'd never met before.然后灯光“咔哒”一声地关掉了,就像最后一个盒子已经装上了卡车,我热情地向之前从未见过的人们说着再见。

8.Tang, with just a handful of films to her credit so far, is one of Asia's leading young actresses.汤唯目前只出演过少数几部电影,但她也是亚洲一线年轻女演员之一。

9.And even then, only a handful of people would be wilpng to fork out for stypng that lasts only a few days.即使这样,仍然有少数的人愿意去不停的换发型,甚至这个发型只能维持几天。

10.The handful of times that I've needed to contact support, they've gotten back to me with a real answer within minutes.有几次我需要联络支持,他们在几分钟之内找到我并给出一个真正的答复。