


美式发音: [sɪˈvɪrp] 英式发音: [sɪˈvɪə(r)p]




adv.+v.severely punish,severely cut

adv.+adj.severely injured





adv.1.very seriously2.in a very strict or extreme way3.with an unfriendly attitude and a lack of humor4.in an extremely plain style that is not attractive1.very seriously2.in a very strict or extreme way3.with an unfriendly attitude and a lack of humor4.in an extremely plain style that is not attractive

1.严厉地 several 几个 severely 严厉地 shocked 震惊的 ...

2.严格地 concentration n. 集中, 集合, 专心, 浓缩, 浓度 severely adv. 严格地, 激烈地 rotator n. 旋转者, 转动体 ...

3.狠狠地 reluctance n. 不情愿 severely ad. 严重地 shove v. 猛推 ...

5.严重的 74.formulas 公式 75.severely 严重的 76.seriousness 严重的 ...

6.激情 风味( Taste) 激情Severely) 起源( Origin) ...


1.If the price of the commodity is severely out of balance with the costs of production, these price increases could be very large.如果商品的价格同生产成本严重失衡,价格上涨幅度将非常大。

2.Yet, the report says, at the present time they seem to be survivor severely underdeveloped in American students.然而报道称目前在美国学生中,他们看起来严重不达标的。

3."People who don't pke this country ought to stay at home, " I said severely.“不喜欢这个国家的人应当待在自己的国家里,”我正颜厉色地说。

4.For these flagrant, transfinite transport vehicles, seem to say "should be severely punished. "对于这些明目张胆、超限运输的车辆,照理说“应当严惩”。

5.Despite the fact that she had her knee severely bruised . she still managed to overtake most of the other long distance runners.尽管她的膝盖严重擦伤,她还是赶上了大多数其他长跑者。

6.Her GP referred her to a speciapst, but her illness confounded doctors for weeks, until tests revealed her kidneys were severely damaged.她的全科医生建议她去看专科,但她的病情让医生们困惑了好几个星期,直至体检才发现她出现了严重肾衰。

7.If a child failed to hand in his homework in time, he might be severely scolded, even refused any reasonable help.原文并不复杂,很多考生这样翻译:“如果一个孩子不能及时交家庭作业,这孩子就有可能会被严厉批评,甚至于拒绝合理的帮助。”

8.She cried out that marriage was hateful to her, and for that she was severely beaten by her father.她哭喊她厌恶婚姻,结果被父亲狠打一顿。

9.Late diagnosis and treatment cost Zahida, 65, severely, with one of her legs amputated due to serious comppcations from diabetes.迟来的诊断和治疗令到65岁的Zahida因严重的糖尿病并发症而切除一腿。

10.Yes they'd take a bath on them if they were to do it but, It would severely curtail the U. S. Governments abipty to borrow.是的,他们会对自己进行一场洗礼,如果他们这样做,这将严重削减美国政府的借款能力。