




1.好男孩生活纪录片《gay 那话儿》2以色列男妓同志片:《好男孩》(good boys)3

2.几个好男孩 a good boy 一个好男孩 good boys 几个好男孩 a good girl 一个好女孩 ...

3.家有好男 女强人 Dominant Lady 家有好男 Good Boys 爱自由 Free Spirit ...


1.He says we're good boys for getting so much coal, that the Dock Road must have been covered with it.他说我们是棒小伙子,弄到这么多煤,码头路上肯定铺满了煤。

2.Doing good boys, control the direction of the space bar.好厉害的男孩,方向空格键控制。

3.Five good at both singing and dancing lately good boys, constituted nowadays the most good combination- "back street boy" .五个能歌善舞的新好男孩,组成了当今最棒的组合——『后街男孩』。

4.Example dialog: Mum: Tell mummy who broke the vase in the corner, good boys.好孩子,告诉妈妈谁把角落的花瓶摔破了?

5.don't psten to side person's words, a freshman don't fall in love, good boys were others pick away.不要听信身边人的话,大一不谈恋爱,好的男孩就被别人都挑走了。

6.Lennon and Paul McCartney were such good boys that they wrote songs for their absent mothers.列侬和保罗•麦卡特尼(PaulMcCartney)就是好孩子,曾为自己不曾尽职的妈妈写歌。

7.Youth is hotheaded , Torr , but these two are good boys !年轻就是冲动,托尔,可是这两个都是好孩子!

8.Oh, good, boys and girls. Please answer the first question.几分钟后,请找出答案的学生回答问题。

9.Good boys. Share your toys and play nicely.乖孩子,玩具要一起玩。

10.Good boys don't sauce their parents.好孩子不会对父母无礼的。