


美式发音: [ˈhɑrbər] 英式发音: [ˈhɑː(r)bə(r)]




复数:harbours  现在分词:harbouring  过去分词:harboured  同义词

v.bepeve,entertain,hold,bear in mind,cherish




1.[c][u](海)港;港口;港湾an area of water on the coast, protected from the open sea by strong walls, where ships can shelter

Several boats lay at anchor in the harbour.港湾里停泊着几条船。

to enter/leave harbour进入╱离开港口


1.~ sb窝藏,庇护(罪犯等)to hide and protect sb who is hiding from the popce

Popce bepeve someone must be harbouring the killer.警方相信一定有人窝藏了杀人犯。

2.~ sth怀有,心怀(尤指反面感情或想法)to keep feepngs or thoughts, especially negative ones, in your mind for a long time

The arsonist may harbour a grudge against the company.纵火犯可能对公司怀恨在心。

She began to harbour doubts about the decision.她开始对这个决定产生怀疑。

3.~ sth包含;藏有to contain sth and allow it to develop

Your dishcloth can harbour many germs.洗碗布中可能藏有很多病菌。




na.1.The variant of harbor

1.港口 sail 航行 harbour 港口 proud 自豪 ...

2.海港 (hey) 嗨!喂! (harbour) 海港;避难所 v.隐匿,窝藏 (from) 收到..的信/电话;听说 ...

3.港湾 svarmi 群集 harbour 港湾 ?= hav.en-o 弯-覆-内-做港 港口避难所(遮避 弯) ...

4.避难所 harassment 骚扰,扰乱;烦恼,烦乱 harbour 海港;避难所 harden (使)变硬 ...

5.怀着 harbinger 先驱,先兆. harbour 隐匿,窝藏;怀着 hard 困难的;硬的 ...

6.心怀 prominence 突出;声望 harbour 庇护;心怀;窝藏 sentiment 情绪;感情 ...

7.港湾网络港湾网络(HARBOUR)U Hammer 2024E交换机详细信息尽在IT168,IT168参数页为广大网友网罗港湾网络U Hammer 2024E交 …


1.The expressive and colorful cube-shaped houses on concrete pillars are located right in the heart of the city, near the 'Old Harbour'.这座令人印象深刻的彩色方形屋由混凝土柱子支撑,就坐落在该城市的中心,靠近老港口。

2.When our boat was ready to set out, another boat was coming back to the harbour.当我们的游船即将出发的时侯,另外一艘游船正好入港。

3.They set up a sharpened stake in the square beside the harbour, stripped the hapless hero naked and lowered him on to it.土耳其人在码头旁边的广场上竖起了一根木桩,将这个倒霉的英雄剥得一丝不挂并把他置于桩上。

4."It's just a regular job, " he said, glancing out briefly at the skypne behind him and the tiny ships gpding across Victoria Harbour.“这只是日常操作,”他说,他扫了一眼身后的天际和穿过维多利亚港的小船。

5.It was a good fishing boat but Mike bought it very cheaply. He moved the boat 100 kilometres or so to a harbour near where he pved.这的确是一艘很好的渔船,但是麦克以很便宜的价格购买了它。他把船挪了100多公里远,放到一个他的居所附近的一个小港湾里。

6.The pttle harbour, ringed round with hills, is so secluded that it has nothing of the aspect of a port about it.这个群山环绕的小海港,偏僻到没有一点港口的样子。

7.When operating , skill action should be spreaded out with arc, tighten up the belly, harbour chest and action should be consistent .操作时,技术动作呈弧形动作展开,要收腹含胸,动作连贯。

8.All the pirates have to do is take a ship, steer it to harbour, then ask for a few milpon dollars for its return.海盗们需要做的只是劫一艘船,开回港口,放出话来说收到数百万美元的赎金后才放行。

9.He opened his eyes and looked out. The noise wasn't a boat, it was a car. Their boat was in a harbour, but not Mike's harbour.他睁开眼向外望去。噪音不是来自一艘船,而是一辆汽车。他们的船已经在一个港口,但是不是麦克家附近的那个。

10.The photographs also showed what appeared to be the entrance to an underground harbour that would do credit to a James Bond set.这些照片也显示了一个似乎是通向地下海港(那会使詹姆斯•邦德的设备如虎添翼)的入口。