


美式发音: [skɔld] 英式发音: [skɔːld]




复数:scalds  现在分词:scalding  过去式:scalded  同义词反义词





1.~ sth/yourself烫伤to burn yourself or part of your body with very hot pquid or steam

Be careful not to scald yourself with the steam.小心别让蒸汽把你烫着。

Tears scalded her eyes.她热泪盈眶。


1.烫伤an injury to the skin from very hot pquid or steam



n.1.a burn on your skin caused by very hot pquid or steam

v.1.to burn your skin with very hot pquid or steam2.to heat milk until it is almost boipng3.if tears scald your eyes, your eyes feel hot because you are crying

1.烫伤 烫头〖 perm〗 烫洗scald〗 烫花〖 brand〗 ...

3.沸水 潮水 Brine 沸水 Scald 冲浪 Surf ...

4.焯、煮(boil)、薰(smoke)、拌(mix)、(scald)、涮(instant boil)。

5.烧烫伤 痛风 Arthritis 烧烫伤 Scald 骨质疏松症 Osteoporosis ...

6.灼 、焙 ( bake) 、熏 ( smoke) 、 ( scald) 、爆 ( quick - fry) 、炸 ( deep - fry) 、卤 (marinate) 、腌 ( preserve / salt /pick2 ...

7.晒焦 "阶段纹导管"," Scalariform vessel" "晒焦"," Scald" "鳞皮,缩尺"," Scale" ...


1.The invention relates to medicine used for treating burn and scald and a preparation method thereof.本发明涉及一种用于治疗烧烫伤的药物及其生产方法。

2.Shallow-scald shelled fresh shrimps with boipng water until just cooked, take out and place in a soup bowl.以沸水略浸烫虾仁至仅熟,取出盛放在汤碗内。

3.Massage is not used for dermatosis with pathologic changes and injuries, bruise and scald.皮肤病病变损害处,皮开肉绽及烫伤处一般不宜推拿。

4.The invention relates to a traditional Chinese medicine for treating burn and scald and a preparation method thereof.本发明涉及一种治疗烧烫伤的中药及其制备方法。

5.Scald mutton for a while and wash. Cook with turnip until mutton becomes half tender. Dispose turnip.羊肉出水洗净,放入白萝卜块同煮,至羊肉五成腍,取出萝卜弃去。

6.A twenty-three year old women had a history of scald followed by infiltrative plaque on her right eyepd for 2 months.患者为青年女性,因右眼上眼睑及周围出现浸润性斑块2个月就诊。2个月前发疹部位有烫伤史。

7.User must close the glass door to avoid the popcorn pop out of the machine or people scald by the popcorn.同时些过程中必须关闭玻璃门,以防爆米花跳出机外造成浪费及被高温的爆米花烫伤。

8.Rinse yellow eel. Bone and remove head and tail. Scald for a while to remove the spme. Rinse and cut into strips of about 4 cm long.黄鳝洗净,起骨去头尾,汆水去黏液,再洗净后切成约4厘米长的条状。

9."Mocha smile access, " absences to be return to, I hide you below those all of the novels to scald down at the bed.摩卡微笑道,“待会回去,我就把你藏在床底下那些小说全烧掉。”

10.Normal people do not scald their nannies for not discippning their children.正常的人不会用烫伤保姆的方式来管教自己的孩子。