




1.国民西敏寺银行想到当时申请的几所大学学费都涨了”。而当她去诺丁汉当地的西联银行(NatWest)开户时又被告知,今年银行将不再向国际留 …

4.国民威斯敏斯特银行国民威斯敏斯特银行(NatWest)又译“国民西敏寺银行”,英国四大私营银行之一,也是世界上最著名的银行之一。1968年由国民 …


1.Natwest made RBS a leading player in the European and US debt markets, which were at the beginning of a long boom.Natwest让苏格兰皇家银行成为欧洲和美国债券市场的主要参与者,美欧市场当时刚刚步入长期繁荣阶段。

2.When I last touched on the NatWest Three, a full-page advertisement had appeared in at least one national newspaper.当我上一次略微提到NatWestThree的时候,至少一份全国性报纸上出现了整版的广告。

3.RBS could close some of its corporate branches and concentrate on the NatWest retail brand.苏格兰皇家银行则可能关闭它的企业部门然后把精力集中在零售银行品牌耐特威斯特上。

4.am Patrick Thomas, Principal Assurance manager for the Natwest Bank in UK .帕特里克托马斯上午首席保证英国国民西敏寺银行的银行经理。

5.In the UK, NatWest bank is helping schoolchildren learn to manage their finances.在英国,国民西敏寺银行(NatWestbank)正帮助小学生学习如何理财。

6.Sir Fred made his name at Royal Bank after its hostile takeover of NatWest, another British bank in 2000.Fred爵士是在2000年RBS对NatWest,另一家英国银行的恶意收购中创下名声的。

7.For Sir Fred, the deal was similar to Natwest.对于弗雷德爵士而言,这笔交易与收购Natwest类似。

8.I am a British citizen working with National West Minister Bank plc London (NatWest Bank) here in England United Kingdom.我是英国公民与国家西部部长银行伦敦(国民西敏银行银行)在英国联合王国。