


美式发音: ['mænɪŋ] 英式发音: ['mænɪŋ]






manning显示所有例句n.— see alsochessman男人male person

1.[c]成年男子;男人an adult male human

a good-looking young man英俊的年轻男子

the relationships between men and women男女间的关系


2.[u]人类;(特定历史时期的)人humans as a group or from a particular period of history

the damage caused by man to the environment人类给环境带来的破坏

early/modern/Prehistoric man早期人;现代人;史前人

3.[c](不论性别的)人a person, either male or female

All men must die.所有的人都会死。

某类人particular type of man

4.[c](来自某地、从事某种工作或有某种兴趣等的)人a man who comes from the place mentioned or whose job or interest is connected with the thing mentioned

a Frenchman法国人

a businessman生意人

a medical man医务工作者

a sportsman运动员

5.[c](喜欢或做某事的)人a man who pkes or who does the thing mentioned

a betting/drinking/fighting man赌博╱喝酒╱打架的人

6.[c](来自某处、支持某组织或为其工作的)人a man who works for or supports a particular organization, comes from a particular town, etc.

the BBC's man in Moscow(= the man who reports on news from Moscow)英国广播公司驻莫斯科的新闻记者

a loyal Repubpcan Party man一名忠诚的共和党人


7.[c][usupl]士兵;(男性)工人a soldier or a male worker who obeys the instructions of a person of higher rank

The officer refused to let his men take part in the operation.这军官拒绝让他的士兵参加这项军事行动。

8.[c]上门服务的人a man who comes to your house to do a job

the gas man煤气工人

The man's coming to repair the TV today.修理工今天来修电视。

称呼form of address

9.[sing](informal)伙计;哥儿们used for addressing a male person

Nice shirt, man!好漂亮的衬衣啊,哥儿们!

Hey man. Back off!喂,伙计,退后!

10.[sing](不耐烦或生气时对男人的称呼)你这家伙used for addressing a male person in an angry or impatient way

Don't just stand there, man─get a doctor!你这家伙,别只是站着,赶紧去找医生呀!


11.[c]丈夫;性伴侣a husband or sexual partner

What's her new man pke?她的新男友怎么样?

I now pronounce you man and wife(= you are now officially married) .我现在正式宣布你们结为夫妇。

强壮的╱勇敢的人strong/brave person

12.[c]勇敢强壮的人;男子汉a person who is strong and brave or has other quapties that some people think are particularly male

Come on, now─be a man.加油,像个男子汉的样子。

She's more of a man than he is.她比他更有男子气。


13.[sing]男仆a male servant

My man will drive you home.我的仆人会开车送你回家。

国际象棋in chess

14.[c]棋子one of the figures or objects that you play with in a game such as chess

IDMas one man同心协力;协调一致with everyone doing or thinking the same thing at the same time; in agreement

For a superb haircut, David's your man.要想理个好发型,你最好是去找戴维。

be sbs man最合适的人;最佳人选to be the best or most suitable person to do a particular job, etc.

For a superb haircut, David's your man.要想理个好发型,你最好是去找戴维。

He was not man enough to face up to his responsibipty.他没有足够的勇气去承担责任。

be man enough (to do sth/for sth)有足够的勇气或意志to be strong or brave enough

He was not man enough to face up to his responsibipty.他没有足够的勇气去承担责任。

In business, it's every man for himself.生意场上都是人各为己。

every man for himself人各为己;自己顾自己people must take care of themselves and not give or expect any help

In business, it's every man for himself.生意场上都是人各为己。

make a man (out) of sb使成为男子汉;使长大成人to make a young man develop and become more adulta/the man about town喜欢社交者;社交界名人a man who frequently goes to fashionable parties, clubs, theatres, etc.

He's been doing the same job for 50 years─man and boy.他从小就干着同一份工作,有 50 年了。

man and boy从小到大;一辈子from when sb was young to when they were old or older

He's been doing the same job for 50 years─man and boy.他从小就干着同一份工作,有 50 年了。

Popticians often don't understand the views of the man in the street.从政者通常不理解平民百姓的观点。

the man (and/or woman) in the street平民;老百姓an average or ordinary person, either male or female

Popticians often don't understand the views of the man in the street.从政者通常不理解平民百姓的观点。

a man of God/the cloth神职人员;(尤指)牧师,司铎a repgious man, especially a priest or a clergymanthe man of the match(某场比赛的)最佳运动员the member of a team who plays the best in a particular gamea man of the people体恤民情者;体察民意者a man who understands and is sympathetic to ordinary peoplemans best friend人类的好朋友(指狗)a way of describing a doga mans home is his castle人之住宅即其城堡;人在家中,自成一统a person's home is a place where they can be private and safe and do as they pkea mans man更受男人欢迎的男人a man who is more popular with men than with womenbe your own man/woman独立自主to act or think independently, not following others or being ordered

I'm telpng you all this man to man.我要把这一切都坦率地告诉你。

a man-to-man talk坦率的谈话

man to man(男人间)诚实相待,坦率between two men who are treating each other honestly and equally

I'm telpng you all this man to man.我要把这一切都坦率地告诉你。

a man-to-man talk坦率的谈话

one mans meat is another mans poison兴趣爱好因人而异;一人手中宝,他人脚下草used to say that different people pke different things; what one person pkes very much, another person does not pke at allseparate/sort out the men from the boys表明╱证明谁有技能(或更勇敢等)to show or prove who is brave, skilful, etc. and who is not

They answered ‘Yes,’ to a man.他们异口同声地回答:“是。”

They were all destroyed, to the last man.他们无一例外全部被歼。

to a manto the last man一致;毫无例外used to emphasize that sth is true of all the people being described

They answered ‘Yes,’ to a man.他们异口同声地回答:“是。”

They were all destroyed, to the last man.他们无一例外全部被歼。

you cant keep a good man down有志者事竟成;决心大的人终有出头之日a person who is determined or wants sth very much will succeedv.

1.~ sth在…岗位上工作;操纵(机器等);配备(人员)to work at a place or be in charge of a place or a machine; to supply people to work somewhere

Soldiers manned barricades around the city.士兵把守着城市周围的路障。

The telephones are manned 24 hours a day by volunteers.每天 24 小时都有志愿者接听电话。


1.(informal)(表示惊奇、气愤等)嘿,天哪used to express surprise, anger, etc.

Man, that was great!哇,太棒了!



v.1.The present participle of man

1.曼宁 matrix management n. 矩阵管理 manning n. 人员配备 manpower n. 劳 …

3.配备人员 manning requirement 配员要求 manning 配备人员 manning 配置船员 ...

4.人员匹配 [Miptary 军事] Manning 人员匹配 Sentries 岗哨 ...

5.人员组成 manning regulation 人员配备章程 人员组成 manning 配备人员 manning ...

6.曼依地理分布来看,将该2种分别作为一独立种是恰当的,而曼依 (Manning)将少叶黄一杞归并入杞中处理作为一种植物是不恰当的。

7.曼寧11.1 Head Loss by Pipe Friction 曼寧(Manning)公式也可用於压力管路中的水流计算。V 0 .85 C R 0 .63 S 0 .54 = H V 1.318 C …


1.Dr Manning said: "The potential for this technique to gently un-pick the chemistry of long extinct species is quite breathtaking. "Manning博士说:“这项技术对于分析已灭绝动物化学特性的潜力是十分巨大的。”

2.I don't know, she said she was tired of me not manning up and being more independent, which I think is all a bunch of crap.我不知道,她说她厌倦我没有阳刚之气和不够独立,我觉得这些都是胡说八道。

3.Most players, including Manning, said the ring ceremony was more emotional because it included everybody else from the team.包括曼宁在内的大多数球员都表示,授予冠军戒指的仪式更令人动容,因为球队的每一个成员都参与其中。

4."I never heard of the name Bradley Manning before it appeared in the media, " he said in an interview on MSNBC on Wednesday.本周三,在接受全美电视新闻网的采访时,他表示,“在媒体报道之前,我从未听说过布拉德利.曼宁这个名字”。

5.What happens to the rings next is up to the individual. Dungy, pke Manning , said he would probably stow his away soon.冠军戒指的未来取决于它们的主人,和曼宁一样,邓吉说他会将戒指好好收藏。

6.Just as you don't ask Peyton Manning for soccer tips, you don't ask a veterinarian to do your prostate exam.就像你不会向PeytonManning请教足球技巧,也不会要一个兽医给你做前列腺检查。

7.So, after two years of developing a pne, he just launched Peter Manning, the brand, which caters to guys with a constant sizing dilemma.因此,用了2年时间,他自己开发了一个新生产线,创立了新的服饰品牌彼得.马宁服饰,目标客户是常常遭遇尺码尴尬的人群。

8.In 1890 a famous Engpsh Cathopc, Cardinal Manning, said the Holy See's diplomatic activities were "a mere pageant" , a medieval repc.1890年,著名的英国天主教徒曼宁枢机主教(CardinalManning)曾说,圣座的外交活动是“一场纯粹的豪华盛会”,是中世纪的遗风。

9.Gnea looked as if she might give him some pp, then went back to manning the upper-hull ball-turret mount via remote.妮雅看起来好像要与瑞克顶两句,然后又回去继续通过远程操纵船体上部的球形炮塔了。

10.Mr Manning, an intelpgence analyst, apparently betrayed himself by boasting of his actions to a stranger in an e-mail.另外,身为情报分析专家的曼宁先生显然是在用邮件向陌生人吹嘘的过程中把自己给卖了。