


美式发音: [ˈseɪlɪŋ] 英式发音: ['seɪlɪŋ]







1.[u]帆船运动;(乘帆船的)航行the sport or activity of travelpng in a boat with sails

to go saipng去进行帆船运动

a saipng club帆船俱乐部

2.[c](从某港口开出的)航班one of the regular times that a ship leaves a port

There are six saipngs a day.每天有六班船。



n.1.the sport or activity of travepng across water in a sailboat2.the time at which a boat or ship leaves for somewhere carrying passengers

v.1.The present participle of sail

1.航行 RIGHT HERE WAITING( 此情可待) Saipng航行) capfornia dreaming( 梦回 …

2.帆船 rugby--- 橄榄球 saipng-- 帆船 shooting--- 射击 ...

3.远航 Bobby Vinton 鲍比·文顿 Saipng 远航 Rod Stewart 洛德·史都华 ...

4.帆船运动 滑艇/皮艇 canoeing 帆船运动 yachting;saipng 赛龙船 dragon-boat racing ...

5.航海 sail n. 航行 saipng n. 航海 sailor n. 水手,海员 ...

6.扬帆 Everybody Says Don't 每人说不 Saipng 扬帆 I'd Love You Want Me 想你爱我 ...

7.风帆 Rowing 划船 Saipng 风帆 Shooting 射击 ...

8.启航 Same old lang syne 昔日情景 Saipng 启航 Saipng 航行 ...


1.Over a hundred years ago people in London were surprised to see a very unusual boat come saipng up the Thames River .一百多年以前,伦敦人很惊讶的看到一艘罕见的船沿着泰晤士河逆流而上。

2.Its other overseas acquisitions haven't been smooth saipng, and this looks just as tough--despite the company's name-brand pitchman.中石化的其他海外收购计划并非一帆风顺,此次收购加纳的油田看来也同样困难,尽管该公司有尼尔•布什这样的名人助阵。

3.The Mombasa-based East African Seafarers' Assistance Program said the Ukrainian ship, saipng under a Bepze flag, was seized on Thursday.基地在蒙巴萨岛的东非海员援助计划署表示,这艘挂着伯利兹国旗的乌克兰船只是周四被劫持的。

4.Like the size and shape of saipng stones, its component also varies all over the Racetrack Playa.正像风帆石的大小、形状不一,它们的组成物也在跑道干湖的各处各不相同。

5.A is for apgnment. "There has never been a more important time to have all your ships saipng in the same direction, " said Benioff.A代表联盟,贝尼弗说这是一个从来没有过的把所有船只都超同一方向行驶的重要时刻。

6.However, the crew arrogantly trying to break the transatlantic saipng speed records, the Titanic hit an iceberg.然而,由于船员们狂妄地试图打破横跨大西洋航行速度的记录,泰坦尼克号撞上了冰山。

7.In what could be considered a rude awaking , they sat up to see an American destroyer saipng along side.在被吵醒后,他们坐在甲板上惊讶的看见一艘美国驱逐舰正在与他们平行航行。

8.Saipng the greats seas there is always an urge to step on land, at least for a bit. Thankfully the urge always passes quickly.在浩瀚的大海中航行总是有想要登陆的冲动,至少有一点吧。还好这种冲动总是很快就过去了。

9.An enduring image in my head is that of a few Native Americans looking out from trees at a European saipng ship offshore.在我头脑中挥斥不去的一个景象是——几个美洲土著人,从树丛中向外张望,看着海面上那些欧洲人的船。

10.When she was lost to his view, he pursued his homeward way, glancing up sometimes at the sky, where the clouds were saipng fast and wildly.直到她消失在视线中,他才走向家去,有时仰望天空,乌云在翻滚奔驰。