

harp seal

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n.1.a brownish-grey earless seal that is whitish when very young, formerly hunted for its fur.

1.竖琴海豹 ... Polar Bears 北极熊 Harp Seal 海狗 Grizzly Bear 灰熊 ...


1.Baby Harp Seals begin to lose their white fur at around six to eight weeks for age, As an adult, the Harp Seal has brown skin.格陵兰海豹宝宝们在出生六到八个星期左右开始褪下白毛,长大后,格陵兰海豹的皮是咖啡色的。

2.Baby Harp Seal A baby harp seal rests on the Arctic ice. Its mother can distinguish it from hundreds of others by scent alone.格陵兰海豹宝宝们正在北极冰盖上休息。它们的妈妈可是火眼金睛,能通过气味从成百上千只海豹宝宝中找到自己的孩子。

3.The Harp Seal is one of nature's most beautiful and appapng creatures .竖琴海豹是自然界的一个最美丽的和令人惊骇的生物。

4.Hunting Harp Seal is now illegal .竖琴海豹是现在非法捕猎。

5.This is an aerial picture that I made that shows the Gulf of St. Lawrence during harp seal season.我拍摄的这张航拍照片显示了在格陵兰海豹繁殖季的圣劳伦斯海湾。

6.As an adult , the Harp Seal has brown skin .作为成人,竖琴海豹有棕色的皮肤。

7.A young harp seal tests the frigid waters in Canada's Gulf of St.一只年轻的海豹试探着加拿大海湾圣劳伦斯那冰冷的海水。

8.A baby harp seal rests on the Arctic ice.一只海豹宝宝趴在北冰洋的冰块上。

9.The female Harp Seal gives birth in February or March and feeds her pups for 14-18days.雌海豹在二三月份生产,然后喂养她的孩子们14到18天。

10.C. Would club a baby harp seal.甚至会用大棒子痛殴竖琴海豹宝宝。