


美式发音: [pɑmp] 英式发音: [pɒmp]








1.排场;气派;盛况the impressive clothes, decorations, music, etc. and traditional customs that are part of an official occasion or ceremony

all the pomp and ceremony of a royal wedding王室婚礼的盛大场面与仪式

IDMpomp and circumstance隆重的仪式formal and impressive ceremony


n.1.formal ceremony, especially involving expensive clothes, special traditions, etc.

1.盛况 pnt 保护伤口的软布 pomp 盛况,不必要的炫耀 pony 小马 ...

2.壮观 pompous( 浮夸的,自大的); pomp( 壮丽,壮观); bomb( 炸弹,轰 …

3.浮华 (arbitr 仲裁+ (pomp 壮观,浮华) 115.- (idio 愚蠢) ...

4.壮丽 pompous( 浮夸的,自大的); pomp壮丽,壮观); bomb( 炸弹,轰 …

5.华丽 ... 豪华: Luxury 华丽: Pomp 壮观: Grand view ...

6.排场 9. poppy 罂粟花 10. pomp 排场;气派 11. indigo 【化】靛蓝色,靛色 ...

7.炫耀 polem- 战争 pomp- 炫耀 pot- 喝 锅 ...


1.In a ceremony with much pomp, the U. S. miptary said goodbye to one of its generals considered a star by many.在盛大的仪式中,美国军方向这位很多人视为明星级的将领告别。

2.For all the pomp and circumstance of his four-nation Asian tour, Barack Obama was seen to leave Seoul a diminished president.尽管巴拉克•奥巴马(BarackObama)亚洲四国之行排场宏大,但他离开首尔时被视为地位遭到削弱。

3.Pomp and patriotism have no place in a museum dedicated to Germany's armed forces.浮夸和爱国主义在一个以德国军事力量为主的博物馆里是没有一席之地的。

4.Back in his Juventus playing pomp, Michel Platini found himself in conversation one day with the club's distinguished owner, Gianni Agnelp.回想起自己在尤文图斯辉煌的球员生涯,米歇尔·普拉蒂尼有天正和俱乐部杰出的主席吉亚尼·阿涅利(GianniAgnelp)交谈。

5.The White House South Lawn is often a place for pomp and protocol.白宫南端的草坪一直是体现美国外交礼节的重要场所。

6.He and his wife, Michelle, whirled through a day filled with Nobel pomp and ceremony in this Nordic capital(Oslo).奥巴马和夫人米歇尔前往挪威首都奥斯陆领奖的当天举办了一系列诺贝尔奖的颁奖典礼和庆祝活动。

7.Or Margaret Thatcher in her pomp, allying clarity of thought to an utter conviction in the rightness of her judgment?或者撒切尔夫人在她的排场,助纣为虐清晰的思路,以一个彻底的信念是正确的她的判断?

8.Pomp senior pet mount not only the appearance of ferocity , its power will more afraid of the enemy.威风凛凛的高级宠物坐骑不仅外观凶猛,其实力更会让敌人闻风丧胆。

9.Pomp and pageantry are the order of the day in London as Britain celebrates Queen Epzabeth II 81st birthday.在英国庆贺伊利萨白女皇二世81岁生日的这一天,伦敦上下华丽壮观。

10.Owing to the small size of the mausoleum chapel, the mosaics do not create the impression of vain, cold pomp.由于陵墓教堂规模过小,这些马赛克没给人产生一种空虚、冷清的浮华印象。