


美式发音: [ˈhɑrpɚ] 英式发音: [ˈhɑ:pə]





1.哈珀 1966《冲破铁幕》( Torn Curtain) 1966《地狱先锋》( Harper) 1967《铁窗喋血》( Cool Hand Luke) ...


6.哈帕 导演:肖恩·列维 Shawn;Levy 编剧:山姆·哈帕 Sam;Harper 主演:阿什顿·库切尔 Asht…

7.竖琴师 Baker— 面包师 Harper竖琴师 Archer— 弓箭手 ...

8.弹竖琴者 harp 竖琴 harper 弹竖琴者 harpins 临时木材 ...


1.Last month, Prime Minister Stephen Harper said he agreed with U. S. officials to be 'fully divested by eight years maximum. '加拿大总理哈珀(StephenHarper)上个月表示,他已同美国官员达成一致,完成从通用汽车全部撤资的时间不会超过8年。

2."Unbepevable" . That's how Canadian Prime Minister Harper described the Great Wall of China Thursday during a walk with his wife Lauren.3日,加拿大总理斯蒂芬·哈珀和夫人劳伦共同游览北京八达岭长城,称长城“不可思议”。

3.Mr Harper said the developments demonstrated to the world that Canada had a "real, growing, long-term presence in the Arctic" .哈珀总理称这些项目向世界证明了加拿大“在北极拥有实质、长期且不断巩固的存在性。”

4.Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper was en route to Toronto when the quake happened and a picture in his office fell off the wall.地震发生时,加拿大总理哈珀正从渥太华前往多伦多。他办公室墙上的一幅画被震到地上。

5.All poptics seems to be local in Mr Harper's book, even if the action takes place on the other side of the world.在哈珀的书本里,所有权术似乎都是褊狭的,即使他的行动是在世界的另一边展开。

6.Mr Harper says it will take up to five years of "big, comprehensive" government stimulus to dig it out of the deep, black hole it is in.Harper先生说这将要政府花上五年时间,使用“大的、全面的”刺激手段来帮助其走出这个深不见底的黑洞。

7.Prime Minister Stephen Harper said the figures were better than he had expected and were a reason to be optimistic.加拿大总理哈珀表示,数据较预期为佳,是值得乐观的理由。

8.With a supporter in Mr Charest and an admirer in Mr Dumont, Mr Harper may be encouraged to call an election himself.由于在沙雷那边有个支持者,杜蒙那边有个崇拜者,鼓励哈珀为自己举行一次选举。

9.Just at this point he met his soul's sworn comrade, Joe Harper -- hard-eyed , and with evidently a great and dismal purpose in his heart.恰在此时,他遇到了他的铁哥们儿乔•哈帕——他两眼发直,显然心怀鬼胎。

10.Since then, Harper's cabinet has made frequent trips to China to try to put the relationship back on a more positive footing.自此,哈珀内阁开始频频访华,意图将关系拉回到更积极的基础上。