




1.你是单身吗 2. Are you sad? 你伤心吗? 3. Are you single? 你是单身吗? 4. Are you lonely? 你孤独吗? ...

2.你单身吗 2. Are you seeing anyone? 你现在有固定的异性朋友吗? 3. Are you single? 你单身吗? ...

3.你现在是单身吗 ... GQ:Are you single? 你现在是单身吗? GQ:Seriously? 真的有那么棒吗? ...

4.你是否单身 ... Have you got any girlfriend( 你有无女朋友) Are you single( 你是否单身) Are you available( 你是否单身) ...

5.单身贵族吗 ... Are you married? 你结婚没? Are you single? 单身贵族吗? Are you seeing anybody? 你要去见什么人? ...

6.你是单身呢 vulgar: 粗俗的。 Are you single? 你是单身呢? Are you GAY? 你是同性恋? ...

7.你结婚了 ... Are you alone? 你一个人(孤单)吗? Are you single? 你结婚了(单身)吗? wandering: 漫游,徘徊,神 …


1.'Are you single now, Jack? ' She suddenly asks such a subtle question.‘你还是一个人吗,杰克?’她突然提出这个敏感的问题。

2.One day , she waved and beckoned to Tom again . when Tom strolled over , she asked "are you single? "一天她又对汤姆招手并示意汤姆过去。于是汤姆走了过去。她问道,“您现在是单身吗?”

3.When Tom strolled over, she asked, "Are you single? "等到汤姆散完了步,她问到“你是单身吗?”

4.Would you mind I ask a private question: Are you single?介意我问私人问题吗?你是单身吗?

5.Would you mind Iask a private question: Are you single?介意我问一个私家问题吗?你是只身吗?。

6.Hey. Are you single? Uh, yeah.嘿你是单身吗?是的

7.DAYS: Are you single because you can't find a girl prettier than you?你单身是因为你不能找到比你更漂亮的女朋友吗?

8.The easiest way to find out is to be direct: "Do you have a boyfriend? " or "Are you single? "解除疑惑最简单的办法就是直截了当的问她:“你有男朋友么?”