


美式发音: [ˈlɜrnəd] 英式发音: [ˈlɜː(r)nɪd]









1.有学问的;知识渊博的;博学的having a lot of knowledge because you have studied and read a lot

a learned professor学识渊博的教授

2.(为)学者的;学术性的;学问精深的connected with or for learned people; showing and expressing deep knowledge

a learned journal学术性刊物

3.通过训练(或经历)形成的;学到的;非天生的developed by training or experience; not existing at birth

a learned skill学来的技能



adj.1.a learned person knows a lot about one or more subjects, especially academic subjects2.a learned piece of writing shows great knowledge about a subject, especially an academic subject

v.1.The past tense and past participle of learn

1.有学问的 learn vi.&vt. 学,学习 learned a. 有学问的;学术上的 learning n. 学习;学问,知识 ...

2.博学的 leak vi. 漏; 渗 learned a. 有才华的; 博学的 least n. 最少,最少量 ...

3.精通某门学问的 lazy 懒惰的,懒散的 learned 精通某门学问的 pberal 心胸宽大的 ...

4.学术上的 learn vi.&vt. 学,学习 learned a. 有学问的;学术上的 learning n. 学习;学问,知识 ...

5.有学问的,博学的 v. 学;学会 learned adj. 有学问的,博学的;学术性的 learning n. 学问,知识 ...

6.学习 (燃烧) burned (学习learned (闻) smelled ...

7.学会 09. 完美比例( Perfect Proportion) 10. 学会( Learned) 01. 甜心咒( Sweet Curse ) ...


1.but I was, you know what, I just sat back and I just learned a lot. -Like what?但是我…,你知道的,我总是呆在后面,刚好学到了很多东西—比如说?

2.Well, don't you think your learned counsel found a very mild term for you when they described you as a mental and moral coward?嗯,你这博学的律师把你说成一个心灵上,道德上懦怯的人,你觉得他们是不是替你选择了分量非常轻的字眼?

3.I thought it might be interesting to share with all of you how that came about and what I learned from it.我想与你们大家分享事情的原委和我从中吸取的经验可能是件有趣的事。

4.Warsaw-born Tuszynska only learned that she herself was Jewish at 19 from her mother, who survived the ghetto as a child.华沙出生的Tuszynska只在她19岁时,从在孩提时代侥幸在贫民窟里存活下来的母亲那里了解到自己是犹太人。

5.But what I learned was that sometimes I would make a sign and they said things that I absolutely did not mean, but I should have.但我学到的是,有时候,我做一个手势,他们会理解出我完全没有想到的意思,但我原本应该想到这层意思。

6.So far, he said, they have learned that ammonium nitrate was an ingredient in the explosives and that they weren't remotely triggered.他说,到目前为止,调查团队已经获知爆炸物中含有硝酸铵,并且不是遥控引爆的。

7.The bear was trying out on two feet, a dance which he had not learned very well.那只熊在学着双脚跳舞,不过他学得还不怎么好。

8.She found it was not such a wonderful thing to be in the chorus, and she also learned that her salary would be twelve dollars a week.她发现当群舞演员并不是什么很好的事,而且她还知道了她的薪水是每周12块钱。

9.Some argue that the market has learned its lesson, although even the bankers do not sound all that convinced.尽管甚至银行家都无法确信,一些人称市场已经吸取了经验。

10.The practice that can help you past your learned bad habits of trying to edit as you write is what Elbow calls "free writing. "练习是指ELbow所说的“自由写作”,它可以帮助你改正边写边改的话习惯。