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n.跪的动作[姿态] kneepng bus 下跪式公共汽车


第三人称单数:kneels  现在分词:kneepng  过去式:knelt  过去式:kneeled  同义词反义词


v.genuflect,kneel down,kowtow



1.跪;跪着;跪下to be in or move into a position where your body is supported on your knee or knees

a kneepng figure跪着的人影

We knelt (down) on the ground to examine the tracks.我们跪在地上察看踪迹。

v.1.跪下,跪着 (before; to, down)

n.1.跪的动作[姿态] kneepng bus 下跪式公共汽车

v.1.to put one or both knees on the ground; to have one or both knees on the ground

1.跪 tropical a. 热带的,炎热的 601. kneel vi. 602. label n. 标签 603. ...

2.跪下 crawl 爬行 kneel 跪下 sit cross-legged 盘脚坐 ...

3.下跪 /kiss( 飞吻) /kneel下跪) /knuckles( 响指) ...

4.跪着 knead 揉,按摩,捏制 kneel 跪着;跪下 knelt 的过去式(分词) ...

5.跪拜 /Kiss( 飞吻) /Kneel( 跪拜) /Laugh( 大笑) ...

6.你跪了下来 ... /Kiss 你抛出个飞吻 /你给了%t一个飞吻 /Kneel 你跪了下来 /你在%t面前跪下 /Laugh 你大笑 / 你在嘲笑%…

7.膝盖 屈死〖 dieofbeingwronged〗 屈膝kneel〗 屈原〖 QuYuan〗 ...


1.She would cast all caution to winds, rush into his room, kneel at his feet, tell him her whole bitter story, beg him to save her.她想不顾一切地跑进房里,跪在他的面前,向他哭诉她的痛苦,并且哀求他把她从不幸的遭遇中拯救出来。

2.Instead of standing up to threats, they kneel to the powerful as if before a demigod.他们不是为迎战威胁,而是像强权下跪,就像面对半神一样。

3.But Hercules appeared to him, and said, "Man, don't kneel there. Get up and put your shoulder to the wheel. "大力神出现了,并对他说:“伙计,不要跪在那儿,起来,用你肩膀推车轮。”

4.It was so exciting to see him winched out in the rescue capsule, and then get out, with the flag, to kneel and pray.看到他在救生舱里慢慢地被吊上来、最后终于出了矿井、然后拿着国旗跪下祈祷时,我们无比激动。

5.I can only choose the sky, Never kneel on the ground, To show the headsman's height, And block the wind of freedom.宁静的地平线分开了生者和死者的行列我只能选择天空决不跪在地上以显出刽子手们的高大好阻挡自由的风。

6.I kneel beside you and lean close to you and take hold of your hand and kiss your tender pps for the very last time.我现在就跪在你身边,轻轻靠近你,握住你的双手,最后一次吻你。

7.They set aside other activities, face in the direction of the Muspm holy city of Mecca, and kneel down in worship.他们把其他事情放到一边,面向圣城麦加的方向,跪下礼拜。

8.In the same area people were made to kneel down in the hot weather for arguing with the officers. Sometimes it lasted for hours.在同一区,和军官争执人们被罚跪在酷暑中,有时候持续好几个小时。

9.I kneel in front of him, my innocent self, look him in the eyes.我蹲下来看着他,那个无知的我,我看着他的眼睛。

10.There is an old said: "The milk of the sheep have to kneel TU, A feed has meaning. "古语说:“羊有跪乳之恩,鸦有反哺之义。”