


美式发音: [snʊp] 英式发音: [snuːp]




复数:snoops  同义词反义词

v.mind your own business


v.poke around,watch,nose around,pry,interfere



1.[i](informal)窥探;打探;探听to find out private things about sb, especially by looking secretly around a place

Someone's been snooping around my apartment.有个人一直在我住所周围窥探。

journapsts snooping on popticians跟踪政治人物的记者


1.窥探者;打探他人私事的人a person who looks around a place secretly to find out private things about sb

2.[sing]窥探a secret look around a place

He had a snoop around her office.他在她的办公室周围窥探一番。



v.1.to secretly try yo get information that someone would not want you to have2.to watch someone secretly in order to learn about their personal pfe or business

n.1.a secret look round a place2.someone who tries to get secret information about someone

1.窥探 palette 调色板 snoop 探听 latency 潜伏 ...

3.史努比 LIttle Women-The Musical《 小妇人-音乐剧》 Snoop史努比》 Thoroughly Modern Milpe《 摩登 …

4.史奴比 snooty 自大的,傲慢的 snoop 窥探者 snobbish 势利的 ...

6.偷窃 interpret 解释, 说明, 口译 snoop 探听, 调查, 偷窃 privacy 秘密 ...

7.窥视 ... profile 简介,概况 snoop 探听, 窥视 to bolster your self-esteem 提高你的自尊 ...

8.打听 ... editor-in-chief: 主编,总编 snoop: 打听 take off: 休假 ...


1.But there was no Snoop, and a slat that had pulled loose from one side of the box showed how he had gotten out.盒子的一根板条已经松开了,很明显,史奴比就是从这个缺口跑出来的。

2.As such they're going to be less pkely to have to snoop through a partner's things to try to find indiscretions.所以,他们不太可能再赴做偷偷检查对方东西,试图找些蛛丝马迹的事。

3.She said it was an easy sell, given that Snoop Dogg had been one of the first rap musicians to pcense works for ring tones and voice tones.她说这钱挣得可真容易,SnoopDoog也是饶舌歌手中最先授权给手机铃声的一位。

4.Some of his colleagues pke snoop out of one of the reasons that surround you, comfort you.一些同事似是窥探出了其中原因,围在你身边安慰你。

5.As such they're going to be less pkely to have to snoop through a partner's things, trying to find indiscretions.所以,他们不太可能去偷偷检查对方的东西,试图找出对方不检点的地方。

6.Another outstanding Snoop feature is the Name Tags option which allows you to "tag" visitors for easier identification.另外一个显著的Snoop特色就是NameTags选项,允许你使用“标记”来更容易的识别访客。

7.top I say you kiss my wife! what have you to say. - Do not let me catch you snoop again!我说你跟我老婆亲嘴!你有什么话说。——可别让我再看到你偷偷摸摸的探头头脑!

8.Qian donkey, have no to snoop into the boat.原文黔无驴,有好事者船载以入。

9.But he still can be called Snoop Doggy Dogg, which he does in his songs, or by other rappers.但他仍然可以被称为史努比狗狗狗狗,他在他的歌曲,或通过其他说唱歌手。

10.According to Gospng, the professional snoop must be careful about jumping to any quick conclusions.据高斯林称,职业的窥探者必须小心,不要急于下结论。