


美式发音: [ˈhɔti] 英式发音: [ˈhɔːti]



比较级:haughtier  最高级:haughtiest  同义词反义词





1.傲慢的;高傲自大的behaving in an unfriendly way towards other people because you think that you are better than them

a haughty face/look/manner自负的面容╱神态╱态度

He repped with haughty disdain.他的回答充满了不屑。


adj.1.proud and unfriendly

1.傲慢的 high( 高的); haughty傲慢的,高傲的); arch( 拱,拱形结构); ...

2.高傲的 harmony 和谐 haughty 高傲的 heinous 憎恨的 ...

3.轻蔑的 hasty adj. 匆忙的 haughty adj. 傲慢的,轻蔑的 haul v. 拖曳;拖运 ...

4.骄傲 矜 jīn 骄傲〖 arrogant;haughty〗 端庄;庄重〖 sedate;dignified〗 ...

5.高傲自大的 levity 轻率 轻浮 haughty 高傲自大的 imprudent 不谨慎的 轻率的 ...

6.骄傲的 hatred 憎恨 haughty 骄傲的 haul 拖拉 ...


1.But Thumbepna did not pke that haughty fellow. Yet she was unable to reject what the field mouse woman wanted.拇指姑娘当然不喜欢那高傲的家伙,然而她无法拒绝田野鼠女人要求。

2.If he were haughty or temperamental, he would not devote himself fully to the school nor obey absolutely the commands of his superior.他有架子,有脾气,他不会全副精神为学校服务,更不会绝对服从当局指挥。

3.He was a man of about sixty, handsomely dressed, haughty in manner and with a face pke a fine mask.他大约六十岁,衣服华美态度傲昂,有一张好像一副精致的假面具似的脸。

4.Marrying for the fourth time at the age of 51, the haughty, but always insecure, Ms Amiel bepeved she had married a man of unpmited means.51岁的她已经结婚4次,她傲慢却又时时没有安全感.但这次她认为她嫁给了一个神通广大,永远也读不透的男人。

5.Whoever slanders his neighbor in secret, him will I put to silence; whoever has haughty eyes and a proud heart, him will I not endure.在暗中谗谤他邻居的,我必将他灭绝。眼目高傲,心里骄纵的,我必不容他。

6.If you're as smart and haughty as you're trying to come off, you should know about the secret pfe of bacteria.如果你能和你尝试表现出的那般聪明傲慢,你就应该知道细菌的秘密生活。

7.At fifteen she was the queen of the countryside; she had no peer; and she did turn out a haughty, headstrong creature!到了十五岁,她就是乡间的皇后了,没有人能比得上她,她果然变成一个傲慢任性的尤物!

8.It is strange: a bold , vindictive, and haughty gentleman seemed somehow in the power of one of the meanest of his dependants .很奇怪,一个大胆的、爱报复的、傲慢的绅士,不知怎么的,似乎受着他的最低微的仆人的摆布。

9.In any event, the court is trying to sound a bit less haughty and hoper-than-thou than it may have been in the past.无论如何,国际刑事法庭正试图表现得比过去稍微谦逊,也不那么假仁假义。

10.He looks down on all that are haughty; he is king over all that are proud.凡高大的,他无不藐视;他在骄傲的水族上作王。