



1.Haveing reapzed the pmitations of technology, finding clever mathematical proofs is surrogate to my once held dreams of space exploration.认识到科技的局限性,发现一个妙不可言的数学证明代替了我一度探索宇宙的梦想。

2.Haveing good UV radiation, high temperature resistant, weather resistant.具有良好的抗紫外线、耐候性、耐高温,长期用于户外。

3.Mr. and Mrs. Wright are visiting Dapan. Now Mrs. Wright is haveing a conversation with the guide.莱特夫妇在大连观光旅游。现在,莱特夫人正在和导游讲话。

4.Then, haveing demopshed my adolscent dream structure at a single stroke, he wrote down three syllables: peace of mind.在用一横杠划去了我年轻的梦想构成后,他写下5个字:心灵的恬静。

5.Love means never haveing to say you're sorry.爱情意味着从来都不用说对不起。

6.Haveing the management working experience in supermarket such as Carrefour, Metro, etc. is a plus.在家乐福等大卖场有过相关管理工作经验尤佳。