




1.健康投资健康投资(Health Investment) [编辑] 什么是健康投资 健康投资的特点 健康投资与经济发展的关系 [1] 健康投资对经济发展的作 …


1.To put forward some suggestions of the key scopes of health investment and the gover.对我国健康投资的重点领域及政府职责作了相关政策建议。

2.Methods: To investigate 400 county level administrative units and analyze collected data of health investment.方法:对400个县级行政单位进行调查,并对其政府卫生投入数据进行统计分析。

3.This is a health investment, so don't skimp on this important piece of furniture!这是健康投资,所以千万别再这方面节省。

4.This is the best way to improve the efficiency of health investment and the health output of common people.这是实现健康公平性、减轻民众健康负担和提高健康投资效率、提高民众健康产出的有效途径。

5.The Concept of Health Investment and Related Theoretical Research for Low-income People低收入群体健康投资观念及相关理论研究

6.On Optimizing Health Investment Structure and Harmonious Society Construction卫生费用结构优化与和谐社会建设

7.Pubpc health investment and financing Model and international experience公共卫生投融资机制的理论模型与国际经验

8.Analysis on Yantai Urban Residents'Consumption Structure and Health Investment烟台市居民消费结构与健康投资分析

9.Therefore, to add the health investment in rural areas will produce great demographic meaning if making full use of the opportunity;因此,充分利用这一契机来增加对农村卫生保健的投资将具有巨大的人口学意义。

10.Studying rural health investment and expenditure农村卫生投入与费用研究