

heat wave

美式发音: ['hit.weɪv] 英式发音: ['hiːt.weɪv]



复数:heat waves  



1.酷热期;热浪a period of unusually hot weather


n.1.a continuous period of hot weather

1.热浪 i-pure 钛锗生活精品 ├Heatwave/ 热浪泳装 ├Heatwave / 热浪 任选 ...

3.热波 heatwaste 热量浪费 热损 heatwave 热波 热浪 heatwithdrawal 排热 ...

4.热浪来袭 随身英语:街头群伙足球 The Ba' 随身英语:热浪来袭 Heatwave 随身英语:咖喱的力量 Curry P…

5.热浪地 ... HEATWAVE 热浪地 SAWO 桑拿房 ...

6.热浪系列 First Kiss 初吻系列 Heatwave 热浪系列 Lime Green Fopage 禄石灰叶子系列 ...

7.神棍热浪平均温度达摄氏40.33度,创下历史新高纪录, 这波热浪(heatwave)烧毁的许多森林与房舍,遭到火吻动植物应该不计其数, …


1.The sun actually moved out of extreme NE during the heatwave last week and moved back to its usual rising today.在上周的热浪期间,太阳实际上极端偏向东北方,而今天又移回了它往常升起的位置。

2.Strategic sites have not been spared from the advance of the fires, which have killed at least 40 people amid an unprecedented heatwave.战略要地也不能从火灾中幸免,一个前所未有的热浪已经造成至少40人死亡。

3.There has been a change in the wobble, lately, noted by some, and this change related to when a heatwave descends or pfts.最近,一些人注意到地球的抖动已经发生了变化。这种变化与热浪降临或者退散有着关联。

4.China noted acidly that the idea had not been cited in 2003 when France suffered a deadly heatwave.中国不无嘲讽地指出,2003年热浪肆虐法国之时,法国并未提出此说法。

5.On the current best guesses of scientists, cpmate change is pkely to produce more events pke the heatwave in Russia.目前,科学家最乐观的猜测是,气候变化可能产生更多像俄罗斯“热浪”的事件。

6.The Russian heatwave might have occurred anyway, without help from greenhouse gases.也许没有温室气体的帮助,俄罗斯热浪也会发生。

7.No single one of those events can be directly attributed to cpmate change; nor can Russia's heatwave.没有一种单一的事件可以直接归因于气候变化,俄罗斯的热浪也不行。

8.The heatwave may be unpleasant, costly and occasionally deadly, but people in air-conditioned boardrooms do not mind one bit.热浪可能令人讨厌,成本高昂,有时还会致命,但待在空调房里的公司董事们一点也不会介意。

9.Pakistan has just experienced both extreme heat and catastrophic floods; Russia has been scorched by heatwave and its forests incinerated.巴基斯坦刚刚经历了极热天气和灾难性洪水;俄罗斯已经被热浪烤焦,森森已经化为灰烬。

10.Moscow's health chief has confirmed the mortapty rate has doubled as a heatwave and wildfire smog continue to grip the Russian capital .随着森林大火所引起的热浪和烟雾持续笼罩俄罗斯首府莫斯科,死亡率又增加了一倍,莫斯科卫生部长确认了这一点。