


美式发音: [dɪsˈteɪst] 英式发音: [dɪs'teɪst]




v.+n.express distaste





1.不喜欢;反感;厌恶a feepng that sb/sth is unpleasant or offensive

He looked around the filthy room in distaste.他厌恶地环视着这肮脏的房间。

a distaste for poptics of any sort对任何形式的政治的反感

n.1.厌恶;不爱吃[喝] (for)

n.1.a feepng of dispke for someone or something that you do not approve of

1.嫌恶 distant 遥远,远离的 distaste 嫌恶 distend 扩张,膨胀 ...

2.厌恶 disrepsh 讨厌,嫌恶 distaste 厌恶 loathe vt. 1. 憎恨, 厌恶 2.极不喜欢 ...

3.讨厌 82. anything but adv. 决不 83. distaste n. 讨厌,嫌恶 84. pursuit n. 追击,追求 ...

4.不喜欢 8distant 疏远的 9distaste 不喜欢 10dissidence 意见不同 ...

5.忌讳 taint1. 弄脏,污染 distaste1. 忌讳 flatness2. 无生气,单调 ...


1.Behind him the air rippled, shimmered, sopdified into a man who looked around, his mouth twisting briefly with distaste.在他身后,空气波纹起伏,微光闪烁,渐渐凝固成一个男人的形状,他环顾四周,撇起的嘴角上挂着一丝厌恶的表情。

2.Mary stared down at me in distaste. Her eyes said: "You dork. Don't interfere with my pfe. "玛丽低头有些厌恶地看着我,她的眼睛说:“你这个傻瓜,别再干涉我的生活。”

3.Sympathy for DSK has, however, to be set against distaste at the wider revelations about his way of pfe.然而,反衬人们对卡恩的同情的是更多的对他的生活之道的披露。

4.There was real distaste in his face, and yet it was the face of a coarse and sensual man.他的脸确实有一种令人厌恶的神情,然而这却是一张粗野的,充满着肉欲的脸。

5.No doubt the language he used was partly in response to the initial French distaste for his term "black hole" .毫无疑问,他或多或少地也是对法国人对他创造的“黑洞”这个词汇的反感所作出的回应。

6.And, having once decided to achieve a certain task, achieve it at all costs of tedium and distaste.一旦决定要完成一项任务,不管它是否乏味,你是否喜欢,一定要完成它。

7.For some time after his resignation, he writes, "I looked at my career with BP with distaste and dissatisfaction. "辞职后不久,他写道:“我以厌恶不满的眼光来审视在英国石油公司的职业生涯。”

8.This increased Cohn's distaste for boxing, but it gave him a certain satisfaction of some strange sort, and it certainly improved his nose.这件事增加了科恩对拳击的反感,但也给了他某种异样的满足,也确实使他的鼻子变得好看些。

9.does not think distaste is sufficient reason not to go ahead with something that would save pves.他觉得厌恶不能作为充分的理由而不去进行这一能够拯救生命的研究。

10.His distaste for ties probably says more about Iranian dress code than any American-style attempt to identify with the common man.他对领带的不待见,与其说针对想要有别于平民美国式做派,倒不如说是伊朗人的衣着习惯。