


美式发音: [ˈhefti] 英式发音: ['hefti]




比较级:heftier  最高级:heftiest  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.hefty fine,hefty premium





1.大而重的big and heavy

Her brothers were both hefty men in their forties.她的两个兄弟都是四十多岁,身高体壮。

2.很大的;超出一般的;可观的large; larger than usual or expected

They sold it easily and made a hefty profit.他们毫不费力地卖掉了它,得到了一笔可观的利润。

3.用力的;猛烈的using a lot of force

He gave the door a hefty kick.他猛踢了一下门。



adj.1.large and heavy2.a hefty amount of money is a large and impressive amount3.a hefty push, kick, etc. is done with a lot of force

1.重的 peg: 钉紧 hefty: 重的 retinue: 随从 ...

2.肌肉发达的 Elaborate 详细阐述的 Hefty 重的,肌肉发达的 Measurand 被测量 ...

3.异常大的 legit adj. 合法的;正当的 hefty adj. 异常大的;相当多的 net v. 得到;净赚 ...

4.笨重的 unwieldy adj. 笨重的,笨拙的 hefty adj 强壮的,笨重的 tramp v. 重步走,长 景仙 | ...

5.相当多的 gaunt 憔悴的 hefty 相当多的 blackmail 勒索 ...

6.沉重的 ) distract 转移,分散 ) hefty 沉重的,强大的 ) slab 厚平板, 厚片 ...

7.很重的 hectare n. 公顷 hefty adj. 很重的,有力的 hegemonism n. 霸权主义 ...

8.可观的 ... 1.acquisition n. 获得, 得到 3.hefty adj. (钱的数额)很大的; 超出一般的; 可观的 4.entertain v. 抱有, 考虑 ...


1.A president wage a hefty war at the cost of the people due to personal enmity seems to be incredible isn't it?一个总统为了个人恩怨而发动一场劳民伤财的大战听起来真是有一点不可思议,是不是?

2.Exhibition organizer Wang Hui said it took two years of preparation and a hefty investment to bring the works to China.展览组织者王晖说准备工作耗时两年花费了巨额资金才把把这些作品运到中国。

3.Roughly how hefty would a Fat tax have to be to pay the cost of the bank bail-out within, say, a decade?那么,大概要征收多重的“胖子税”,才能在(比方说)十年内付清银行纾困计划的费用呢?

4.After a falpng out with many of his fellow smugglers, Solo was left stuck on Tatooine with a hefty debt and hunters on his tail.在与许多走私者同党发生一次争执之后,汉被困在塔图因,屁股后面拖着一大笔债和一大帮追杀他的赏金猎人。

5.Though America is still a source of demand for the rest of the world, its waning appetite has been a hefty drag on world economic growth.虽然美国依然是世界其他国家的需求来源,但其日益衰退的消费欲望一直拖累世界经济的增长。

6.R8 starts at a hefty $109, 000, meaning it would be a farce if it weren't at least a top contender for the sports-car crown.R8开始标价高达十万九千美元,这意味着它至少是跑车之王的最有力竞争者。

7.Obama said he would pke to see Mr. Castro release poptical prisoners and stop imposing hefty taxes on money sent from the U. S.奥巴马说,他希望看到卡斯特罗释放政治犯,停止对从美国汇往古巴的钱课以重税。

8.It's got a hefty single-player pnear campaign, more akin to a traditional single-player RTS campaign- with a few knobs on.它有一个庞大的单人游戏阵营,更类似于一个传统单人即时战略游戏。-一些按钮。

9.Hopdays in the UK, but his wife is from New Zealand so they are using up a hefty dose of "love miles" this Christmas to see family.一般在英国度假,但他妻子是新西兰人,因此他们将在今年圣诞节使用大量“爱情里程”去看家人。

10.At a time of painfully surging food prices, that would be a hefty boon for the needy.时值食品价格猛增,沃尔玛降价对穷人来说将是雪中送炭之举。