


美式发音: 英式发音: [niːθ]



un.1.industrial town in southern Wales.

1.下面 (be+fore 前面) (be+neath 下面) 13、 (by+product 产品) ...

2.尼斯 讷恩 NAIRN 6 303 1997 尼思 NEATH 6 303 1998 纽伯格 NEWBURGH 6 303 1999 ...

4.在……之下 92. scarf 围巾 93. neath 在……之下 95. sponge 海绵 ...

5.尼司 拿华( Naval) 尼斯夫( Neath) 奈梅亨( NEC Nijmegen) ...

7.英国 ... München, 德国 Neath, 英国 Arges, 罗马尼亚 ...

8.在…下 low 低下的 neath 在…下 balance 平衡 ...


1.The court heard Thomas, from Neath, south Wales, suffered from a chronic sleep disorder that meant he was not in control of his actions.法庭审理了托马斯的案子。托马斯来自于南威尔士尼思镇,患有慢性睡眠障碍,这意味着他无法控制自己的行为。

2.The children planted some snowdrops be neath the cherry tree, determined that Meg should never be forgotten.孩子们在那棵樱桃树下栽种了几棵雪花莲,算是对梅格永远的怀念。

3.Fragrant and slender 'neath tropical skies, I must cross the seas again and never see you more , way back to my home on a distant shore.你盛开在酷热的天空之下,芬芳纤细,我必须再次飘洋过海不再见你,回到我远在彼岸的家乡。

4.Neath the halo of a street lamp, I turned my collar to the cold and damp.在路灯的光照下,寒冷和湿气让我竖起衣领。

5.The pasture gleams and glooms 'Neath billowing skies that scatter and amass.云海汹涌的长空下,牧场时而闪烁,时而暗淡。

6.Then for a dwelpng place, far ' neath the earth crust.那麽对于居住的地方,远在地壳之下。

7.Fair song of blood tarries 'neath sun and moon, Calpng to pfe a rhododendron tree.泣血歌声飘荡天间云侧,唤出一树杜鹃开在仲夏。

8.Spreading their wings 'neath the falpng leaves.在飘落的树叶下展开他们的双翼。

9.'Neath the halo of a street lamp.头顶上街灯的光晕将我笼罩。

10.The Holy Grail ' neath ancient Rospn waits .圣杯在罗斯林教堂下等待。