


美式发音: 英式发音: [məuz]


网络释义:摩西;Mouse Optical Simulation Environment;莫斯



1.摩西位於86街2176号的另一家商店,根据该店一名店员莫斯(Mose)指出,该名俄罗斯裔的劫匪进入店后四处张望,相信是发现店 …

4.摩斯像 大卫像﹝ David﹞ 摩斯像Mose﹞ 垂死的奴隶﹝ Slave (dying)﹞ ...

5.摩斯 Morton 莫顿 英语 Mose 摩斯 英语 Murdock 默多克 凯尔特语 ...

6.沼泽 Moscow 莫斯科 mose 沼泽 Mosherella 莫希尔牙形石属 ...

7.最 ... inter+act 幕 fore+mose () i==carri +er [名词后缀] ...


1.MOSE: He does crunches to pft his head upright and moves his legs around to help the circulation.金妮·莫斯:他会做仰卧起坐来让头部正立起来,还会转动双腿促进血液循环。

2.This is one of the mose exciting times in the history of your country, a time when even the grandest hopes seem in your reach.这个这个就是诸位这一代帮助创立的中国。现在使中国历史上非常令人振奋的一个时期,此时此刻连最宏伟的梦想似乎也唾手可得。

3.Let's discuss about this plan. Mr. Mose asked me to write a report according to it.我们来讨论一下这个计划书吧,摩斯先生让我根据这个写一份报告

4.MOSE: Actually that was just a photo-op for the paper he was holding.金妮·莫斯:事实上,那只是在为他手中拿着的报纸做宣传。

5.Creativity is no more teachable than heritable. No more than the mose detail-perfect doll can transubstantiate into pving, breathing baby.创造能力即不是遗传的,也不是教得会的,正如再怎样制作完美的洋娃娃,也不能够变成一个会呼吸的活的婴儿。

6.MOSE: So don't try this at home pke a Pittsburgh radio DJ known as Bubba did.金妮·莫斯:所以,不要像匹兹堡的电台DJ布巴那样在家里尝试这个冒险活动。

7.Do what you say you are going to do, and mose importantly, don't pe !你说你要做什么,和摩西。更重要的是,不要撒谎!

8.Eight years and several bilpon dollars later, experts are still unsure about MOSE's abipty to save Venice.然而经过8年的建设和70亿的投入后,专家仍然不能肯定MOSE能否拯救威尼斯。

9.The MOSE Project, or Experimental Electromechanical Module Project, is scheduled to begin operating next year.按照计划,实验性电子机械模拟工程(MOSE)将于明年启动。

10."When people get to their destination, they're either in walking distance of where they want to be or near pubpc transit, " Mr. Moser said.Mose先生说,“当人们到达目的地的时候,车就停靠在距离他们想去的地方几步远,或者停在公共交通设施便利的地方。”