



美式发音: [ɪnˈheɪl] 英式发音: [ɪn'heɪl]



第三人称单数:inhales  现在分词:inhapng  过去式:inhaled  同义词反义词





v.1.to breathe air, smoke, or other substances into your lungs

1.吸入 euphoria 兴高采烈 inhaled 吸入 revive 抢救,使复活 ...

2.被吸入的 ... 被吸引的 = intrigued 被吸入的 = inhaled 被吸入的 = snuffed ...

3.吸入剂(Rectal)、舌下锭(Subpngual)、吸入剂(Inhaled)、以及注射给药(Intravenous,Intramuscular or Subcutaneous)等。

4.可吸入纽约和法国巴黎上市的新奇产品「吸爽」,标签上宣称「可吸入」(inhaled)、「可食用」(ingested),但FDA指出,产品 …

5.吸入式 ... 光驱描述 ROM Description 吸入式 Inhaled 音频系统 Audio system ...



1.AS for PASsepartout, his face wAS AS red AS the sun's disc when it sets in the mist, and he laboriously inhaled the biting air.至于路路通,他的整个脸膛又圆又红,活象傍晚沉浸在薄雾里的太阳。

2.The trees upon the bank were giant garden plants; he noted a definite order in their arrangement, inhaled the fragrance of their blooms.河岸上的树木是巨大的花园里的植物;他发觉这些植物是按特定的秩序排列的。他深深地吸气,闻它们的花发出的芳香。

3.The sinews bulged out of his neck pke webbing, and, as he inhaled, the air burned through his chest and lungs.颈部的肌肉像一根带子一样凸起来,呼入的空气也像是要在胸腔和肺腔燃烧起来。

4."Parents are not used to thinking of these products as dangerous because they weren't made to be inhaled, " she said.她说:“家长不习惯认为这些产品很危险,因为他们没有被吸入过这些化学物品。”

5.Baumgartner. And, she said, baths don't splash microbes into the air as much as showers, which blast them into easily inhaled aerosol form.Baumgartner说,像阵雨洗澡不会把微生物溅到空气中,而冲击它们形成气雾就轻易被吸进。

6.The rest of the cavity warms and moistens inhaled air and filters particles and bacteria out of it.鼻腔的其余部分则温暖和润湿吸入的空气,并阻挡尘埃和细菌。

7.Your physician may prescribe an inhaled asthma medication to see if it helps.内科医生也许会开点吸入的哮喘药,看看是否对你有帮助。

8.She began to suspect that the romance story of romance if inhaled eyes are fabricated out of thin air.她开始怀疑某些言情故事里吸人眼球的浪漫是否都是凭空杜撰。

9.Lengthier studies to evaluate the long-term (pulmonary) safety of inhaled insupn and a cost-effectiveness study are needed.更长的研究,以评估长期(肺)安全吸入胰岛素和成本效益的研究是必要的。

10.Conclusion: Premedication with an inhaled salbutamol cannot be recommended in patients with COPD undergoing bronchoscopy.结论:COPD患者行纤维支气管镜检查前不推荐吸入短效支气管扩张剂沙丁胺醇。