


美式发音: [ˈheroʊɪn] 英式发音: [ˈherəʊɪn]





1.海洛因a powerful illegal drug made from morphine , that some people take for pleasure and can become addicted to

a heroin addict吸海洛因上瘾的人


n.1.[Medical & Healthcare]a powerful illegal drug that people usually take by injecting it (=using a needle). Heroin is very addictive (=it is very difficult to stop taking it)

1.海洛因 过敏 allergy 吗啡 heroin 镇静剂 quietive ...

4.二醋吗啡 dextromoramide 右吗拉胺 heroin 二醋吗啡 fentanyl and its derivatives 芬太尼及其衍生物 ...

5.白面儿 白面〖 wheatflour〗 白面儿heroin〗 白木耳〖 silvermushroom;whiteagaric〗 ...

6.二乙酰吗啡 heroic a.英雄的,英勇的 heroin n.海洛因,二乙酰吗啡 heroine n.女英雄;女主角 ...

7.白货 白货〖 stockofgoodswiththetaxesunpaid〗 白货heroin〗 白芨浆〖 akindofglue〗 ...

8.作为毒品的海洛因 [wheat flour] 用小麦磨成的粉 [heroin] 作为毒品的海洛因 ...


1.Eighteen people including at least eight airpne workers have been charged with helping to smuggle heroin and cocaine through the airport.包括至少八名机场工作人员在内的十八名人员被指控在机场协助走私海洛因和可卡因。

2.By the time the nurses had strapped on the monitors I was begging for an epidural, heroin, a shotgun, anything to put me out of my misery.当护士把监视器绑好,我恳求她们使用硬脊髓外腔止痛、吗啡或者来颗子弹,只要能帮我解决痛苦。

3.From the synthesis of morphine and acetic anhydride derivatives of heroin history, so far, heroin still known as the "King of Drugs. "从吗啡与乙酐合成其衍生物海洛因的历史,到目前为止,海洛因仍被号称“毒品之王”。

4.After her father moved out, Ashley says, her mother began another relationship, with a man who was an abusive heroin addict.在其父亲离开之后,艾什莉说,他的妈妈与一个瘾君子开始了另一段感情。

5.And, you know, you can't fault him for accuracy, but, actually, Frankie, at that time, was a heroin addict, and he was in jail.而且,你知道,他这句话你挑不出一点毛病,但是Frankie那时,是个瘾君子,而且他被关在监狱。

6.Heroin cut with acetaminophen is often sold as "cheese. "没有乙酰氨基酚的海洛因通常被当“起司”贩卖。

7.I championed the 12-step program and monitored her improvement daily as though curing heroin addiction was as simple as nursing a cold.我全心全意地按照“12步程序”说的做,努力让自己相信治愈海洛因上瘾跟治愈感冒一样容易。

8.We know all about heroin-and yet, beyond the myth of its powers and dangers, how much do we really know about this evermore pervasive drug?我们知道所有关于海洛因,但超出其权力和危险,神话,有多少,我们真的对这个永中普遍存在的毒品知道吗?

9.The trafficking of cocaine, marijuana, heroin and other drugs has continued to frustrate the efforts of governments around the world.可卡因、大麻、海洛因以及其他毒品的走私继续打击着全球政府的努力。

10.As a toddler in a cot, she watched her father at night injecting himself with heroin, his eyes rolpng back in his head.当她还是一个刚学会走路的孩子的时候,她就看到她的父亲在晚上自己注射海洛因,他的双眼因为毒品的刺激而翻白。