



美式发音: [vɑlˈkeɪnoʊ] 英式发音: [vɒlˈkeɪnəʊ]






n.1.a mountain that forces hot gas, rocks, ash, and lava melted rock into the air through a hole at the top. Some volcanoes are not immediately dangerous because they are not active and have become dormant. Others will never be dangerous again because they are completely extinct

1.火山 Lesson 68 Persistent 纠缠不休 Lesson 67 Volcanoes 火山 Lesson 66 Sweet as honey! 像蜜一样甜! ...

2.火山爆发 陨石/ Meteors 火山爆发Volcanoes 终浪 The Last Wave ...

3.火山篇 ... DD-2219 Digital Vision Volume 2:Volcanoes " 火山篇" DD-2218 EDIZIONI MASTER 3D Textures 英文版 ...


5.火山喷发 ... Lesson 35 Internet Safety 网路安全 Lesson 36 Volcanoes 火山安全 Lesson 19 3-D Movie Technology 3-D 电影科 …

7.火山群 Volatiles 挥发性物质 Volcanoes 火山群 Voltaire 瓦泰尔 ...

8.火山暂无 Sweet as honey! 像蜜一样甜!暂无 Volcanoes 火山暂无 Persistent 纠缠不休暂无 ...


1.The sky was getting brighter, but there was no great sunrise view because of the thick fog around the volcanoes .天色逐渐亮了起来,可是,火山口还弥漫着厚厚的云雾,日出都不壮观了。

2.Japan has the meaning of "place where the sun rises" , "Sakura country" and "a nation full of volcanoes " as well.日本的国名含义为“日出之国”,又有“樱花之国”、“火山地震之邦”的称号。

3.Sometimes magma reaches the surface through volcanoes. Then the molten rock is called lava.当岩浆通过火山口溢出地表时,便可称这种熔融的岩石为熔岩。

4.The truth is that volcanoes are numerous and scattered across the globe, ready to kill us in strange ways.事实是火山在地球上众多并且分布零散,准备着以奇怪的方式杀死我们。

5.The only mountains he had ever known were the three volcanoes, which came up to his knees.他曾见过的仅有的山就是那三座和他的膝盖一样高的火山。

6.However, as the plate moves over it, a pne of volcanoes is formed.然而,当板块让开它,一系列的火上就形成了。

7.She will indeed continue to heat up with many more eruptions of what you know as volcanoes in the centuries ahead.事实上她将继续升温,在前方数个世纪带来更多你们所知的火山爆发。

8.The only way to get out of such a helpsh ice prison is to wait for volcanoes to pump out enough C02 to melt the ice.逃脱如此一个冰雪炼狱的方法只有等待众多火山吸入足够的二氧化碳来融化冰雪。

9.Its natural beauty was created by a succession of volcanoes making it a fascinating geological masterpiece.它美丽的自然风光得益于火山的不断喷发,其景色令人心驰神往。

10.The lava comes up to the surface when volcanoes explode.当火山爆发时,岩浆会喷到地面上。