


美式发音: [ləˈdʒɪt] 英式发音: [lɪˈdʒɪt]






1.合法的;守法的;按法律(或法规)行事的legal, or acting according to the law or the rules

The business seems legit.这笔生意看起来是合法的。



adj.1.allowed by the law2.honest, or real

1.合法 biggie n. 权贵;大亨;名人 legit adj. 合法的;正当的 hefty adj. 异常大的;相当 …

3.正统 费城永远阳光灿烂 It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia 正统 Legit 火线警探 Justified ...

4.正统剧 Geroniol: 牻牛儿醇,香茅醇 ... legit 正统剧 legitimacy 合法婚生 ...

5.正统的 ... sign: 标志,迹象 legit: 正统的 rush: 匆忙 ...

6.守法的 ... underdog n. 斗败了的狗, 失败者, 受害者 legit a. 合法的, 正统的, 守法的 artifact n. 人工制品 ...


8.正统剧院 311 midday n. 正午,晌午 561 legit 正统剧,正统剧院 313 madam n. 夫人,太太,女士 ...


1.And for some fricking reason the only two administrators that were showing up on my control panel were all legit.因为某些该死的原因控制面板上显示的两个管理员账号都是合法的。

2.There's been a long controversy about whether personal development is legit or not.关于个人能力拓展是否合理的争论已经由来已久。

3.I jotted ideas, made psts, and to make myself feel extra legit, I even drew pie charts, just pke the one you see here.我匆匆记下自己的想法,列成清单,感觉有模有样的,我甚至还画出了一个饼图,正如你在这看到的这个。

4.The funny thing was, we had to break into the parking lot too, so we totally felt pke we were legit in the whole graf scene too.有趣的是,我们也要挤进停车场,那样我们好像感觉到我们也是整个涂鸦作品的一部分。

5.The draft might be packed with legit stars at the top, but it's a fairly deep draft.选秀可能性有许多真正的顶级明星,但是这也是很有深度的选秀。

6.But this time things were different: he was officially the Systems Administrator, with an office and everything. He was legit.但是现在有些不同:他是正式的系统管理员,有自己的办公室和所有的东西,他是正规的。

7.Meanwhile Kazaa turned into a legit music subscription service in July this year.而Kazaa在今年7月摇身一变成为一家合法的音乐订阅网站。

8.Tom found it quite hysterical that, after all these years, he could park in a handicapped parking space and it would BE legit.汤姆十分歇斯底里地发现它,这么多年后,他能够合法地将车泊在残疾人专用泊位。

9.After we cross-checked that your buyer is legit, you can trust that we will share our commissions with you.当我们进行交叉检查,你的买方是合法的,你可以相信,我们将与您分享我们的佣金。

10.I reapzed that the women searching for customers outside were representatives of legit, registered companies, not freelance hustlers.我才意识到这些女士并非拉拉生意那么简单,她们自己就是登记中介公司的工作代表。