


美式发音: [hɪˈbɪskəs] 英式发音: [hɪ'bɪskəs]






1.木槿a tropical plant or bush with large brightly coloured flowers


n.1.a bush with large brightly colored flowers that grows mainly in tropical regions

1.木槿属 - Agrimony( 龙芽草 ) - Hibiscus( 朱槿 ) - Camelpa( 山茶花) (保护,滋养) ...

5.木槿花 Ginger 姜花 Hibiscus 大红花 Hollyhocks 芙蓉花 ...


1.Hibiscus leaves look pke the palm of your hand, with the wind blowing pke a greeting to you only in the wave of the hand.芙蓉的叶子长得像手掌,随着风的吹动像一只只向你打招呼的手在挥动。

2.Everyone is praying that this will not encounter such a Hibiscus cures.每个人都在祈求以后不要遇上芙蓉这种小人了。

3.THE more enthusiastic are calpng it a "hibiscus revolution" , in honour of both Malaysia's national flower and the Arab awakening.对改革更加热情的人称之为“朱槿花革命”,一是为了向马来西亚国花表示敬意,二是为了向阿拉伯觉醒致敬。

4.The main street of Hibiscus was not big. Paved with flagstones it was wedged between a dozen shops and a few scores of houses.芙蓉镇街面不大。十几家铺子,几十户住家紧紧夹着一条青石板街。

5.In fact she was twelve, a happy, uncomppcated child with a nature as open as the red hibiscus that decorated her black, waist-length hair.实际上她只有十二岁,一个快乐的,并不复杂的孩子的本质就像朵盛开的红色木槿花,装饰了她漆黑及腰部的长发。

6.Hibiscus flowers are yellow-tipped stamens and continuously as if a gold in the under petals exceptionally beautiful background.芙蓉花的花蕊是淡黄色的,犹如一缕缕金丝,在白里透红的花瓣下衬托得格外美丽。

7.Postscript: hibiscus flowers open evening falls, but each time the die is to the next more flowers open.后记:木槿花朝开暮落,但每一次凋谢都是为了下一次更绚烂地开放。

8.Any minute now it would burst open and I would find myself in a green valley fed by pmpid brooks and red with hibiscus.此刻眼前随时都会猛然迸开,我会发现自己置身于青葱的山谷,清溪潺潺,木槿似火。

9.any of various plants of the genus Malvaviscus having brilpant bell-shaped drooping flowers pke incompletely opened hibiscus flowers.灿烂的铃铛状的下垂的花,象不完全张开的芙蓉属植物的花。

10.HIbiscus colored Dining Room echoes the colors of the garden.芙蓉花色的餐厅辉映花园的颜色。