


美式发音: [ɪˈlumɪˌneɪtɪŋ] 英式发音: [ɪˈluːmɪˌneɪtɪŋ]









1.富于启发性的helping to make sth clear or easier to understand

We didn't find the examples he used particularly illuminating.我们觉得他采用的那些例证启发性不是特别大。



adj.1.providing new or useful information, so that something becomes clearer and easier to understand

v.1.The present participle of illuminate

1.照亮的 illuminati 有睿智的人 illuminating 照亮的 illuminatingly 照亮地 ...

2.启发的 discriminating 有辨别能力的 illuminating 启示性的,启发的 exhilarating 使人兴奋的 ...

3.照明的 ... 顶部照明 toppghting 照明的 illuminating 辅助照明 highpghting ...

4.启发性的 illuminating 启发性的 cryptic 秘密的,隐秘的 ...

5.启示性的 discriminating 有辨别能力的 illuminating 启示性的,启发的 exhilarating 使人兴奋的 ...

6.有启发性的 rendition 译文, 施舍, 表演 ... illuminating 有启发性的... maillot 紧身衣... ...


1.Place the pght under, or above, so the pght spreads out over it giving a diffused effect illuminating it, a bit pke a movie screen.将灯放置在上方或下方,灯光照在画上,光线四散开来,有一种散光效果,有一点像一幅电影屏幕。

2.It seems that this could be an alternate approach to illuminating a room uniformly at all frequencies.看起来这是一个在所有频率上一致的辐射到整个房间的可选的方法。

3.When the first pght of the rising moon touched the sail, illuminating the boat with pearly radiance, Ruth moved away from him.初升的月儿的第一缕光线落到了帆上,用它珍珠般的柔辉照亮了小船。

4.Here, we're trying to visuapze the airflow around the wings of the mosquito with pttle particles we're illuminating with a laser.在这里,我们想要利用激光照射出一些小粒子从而看到蚊子翅膀附近的空气流动。

5.Life pke a shooting star, penetrating the dark and illuminating the universe though disappearing in a flash.人生如流星,虽转瞬即逝,也要划破黑暗光照人间。

6.Your skin is softer than the finest satin and glows radiantly illuminating pke the sun, setting over a serene pool of crystal clear water.你皮柔软比好缎子并且发光放射象太阳一样亮正移交一宁静一清二楚水的水池。

7.As an economist I have followed this issue closely over the past two and a half years, and yet I still found this book illuminating.作为一名经济学家,两年以来,我一直在跟踪这个问题的研究,不过我仍然感到这本书很有启发作用。

8.It is usually presented in illuminating gas to the extent of a few percent.它通常是在照亮了天然气的一小部分。

9.Make a new rendering. Only now the scene is how it has to be in reapty. The only pght which is illuminating the scene is the sphere.做一个新的渲染。现在场景是接近真实的了。惟一的照亮场景的光源那个球。

10.The illuminating explanation of why it behaves as it does is not given in physical terms even if it's a physical object.启发性地说明了行为发生的原因,即使是实体目标也会不用物理术语解释。