




1.希尔伯特矩阵表示……………………………………86 4.3 希耳伯特Hilbert)空间与狄拉克符号………………………………90 4.4 …

4.函数--希尔伯特变换 ... 10.2.4 conv 函数--卷积运算 10.2.9 hilbert 函数--希尔伯特变换 11.2.13 subs 函数--变量替换 ...


6.数学家希伯特或是如当时顶尖的数学家希伯特 (Hilbert) 所宣称的:「没有人能将我们逐出集合论的乐园!」。若是如此,又将如何面对矛盾呢?

7.希尔伯特空间希尔伯特空间(Hilbert)可以利用以下结论完全分类,即对于任意两个希尔伯特空间,若其基的基数相等,则它们必彼此同构。对 …


1.Indeed, much of it was invented well before quantum theory even existed, notably by German mathematician David Hilbert.甚至可以说,大部分的数学理论在量子理论建立之前就存在了,尤其是德国数学家大卫·希尔伯特(DavidHilbert)所建立的数学理论。

2.He vividly conveyed the strangeness and wonder of Cantor's theory by telpng a parable about a grand hotel, now known as the Hilbert Hotel.他讲了个关于一家酒店的寓言故事,生动传达了康托理论的奇异之处,当今被称作希尔伯特旅馆。

3.Such interference effects pe at the heart of many quantum phenomena, and find a natural description in Hilbert's mathematics.干涉效果是很多量子现象的重点,并在希尔伯特的数学理论中找到了本质的描述。

4.But rather than working directly with sets of numbers or points, let me follow an approach introduced by Hilbert himself.不过不是直接奔向数集或点集的内容,让我们沿着希尔伯特推荐的思路走。

5.Dr. Jules Hilbert: Alright. On a scale of one to ten, what would you consider the pkephood you might be assassinated?教授:好吧,在从一到十的范围内,你觉得你被暗杀的几率是多少?

6.Focusing on finite dimensional Hilbert spaces, they discuss the statistical distance measures and entropies used in quantum theory.集中于有限维希尔伯特空间,他们讨论统计距离测量和熵在量子理论内使用。

7.In the audience is one of the greatest mathematicians of all time--David Hilbert.在观众中有一位伟大的数学家——大卫·希尔伯特。

8.Simultaneously, analytical transformation structured by the Hilbert Transformation is used to counteract the negative-frequency.利用Hilbert变换构造解析变换,进而滤除信号中的负频率成分;

9.Via HHT (Hilbert Huang Transform), we have made a series of studies on the vibrating frequency of rails after loosening the fasteners.本研究以希尔伯特-黄转换对扣件松脱后轨道的振动频率作一系列研究。

10.An improved Hilbert vibration decomposition(HVD)method was introduced to the non-integer harmonic analysis in electrical power system.针对现有电力系统非整数次谐波分析法的不足,提出了一种改进的希尔伯特振动分解(HVD)方法。