


美式发音: ['meɪ'kɔŋ] 英式发音: [ˈmeiˈkɔŋ]





n.1.[River]major river in Southeast Asia, flowing from SW China through the Indochinese Peninsula and into the South China Sea in Vietnam

1.湄公河)潞〈怒〉江(Salween)湄南江(Menan)澜沧江Mekong)等流域,徙居恒河以东各地。』昆仑奴在大陆学术界的讨论 …

4.湄江越南餐馆 九龙越南餐厅 Kowloon Restaurant 湄江越南餐馆 Mekong 世界越南餐厅 Nha Hang Vietname Restaura…

5.湄公威士忌Yasovarman I)於公元900年建成,水源来自湄公河Mekong)的支流,能储存近5,500万立方米,足以证明高棉帝国优秀的 …


1.No member is prepared to cede its national sovereignty, even on an issue as patently transnational as the Mekong.没有任何一个成员准备让渡它的国家主权,甚至在湄公河这样明显的跨国事务也是如此。

2.Until Cambodia's post-civil war reconstruction began a few years ago, the Mekong also provided the only form of transport north.直到几年前,柬埔寨内战后重建开始之后,湄公河水路是北方地区唯一的运输方式。

3.It is unclear how much of the Mekong's drop is due to Chinese dam building.目前不清楚湄公河水位下降在多大程度上是中国建设水坝造成的。

4."The Mekong River is unique, both in terms of diversity of the fish and the volume of fish that travel up and down it, " Chapman explained.“湄公河流域是独一无二的,无论在多样性的鱼和鱼,旅行向上和向下它体积而言,”查普曼解释说。

5.This temple-rich town sits encircled by mountains, at the point where the Mekong and Nam Khan rivers meet.这个充满魅力的小镇庙宇众多,由群山环绕,处在湄公河和南康河的交汇之处。

6.Less than one-sixth of the total Mekong catchment is in China, but that upstream flow is crucial to neighbours during the dry season.湄公河不足六一之一的水域在中国境内,但在旱季,上流水流量对邻国至关重要。

7.But that would be a good thing, Zhou insists: It would "faciptate irrigation and navigation" on the Mekong.不过这是一件好事,周世春宣称:这将使湄公河上的“灌溉和航行更加便利”。

8.A young man rides a motorized scooter past geese and donkeys that roam the through way of a rural village in Laos's Mekong River valley.在老挝湄公河河谷的乡村里,一个年轻人骑着一辆摩托机车穿过村庄里毛驴和鹅闲逛的道路。

9.It is still too early to say whether Barack Obama's administration will pursue wholeheartedly its newfound interests in the Mekong.湄公河流域作为美国的一块新的利益阵地,要谈论奥巴马政府是否会全力投入战斗还为时过早。

10.Sensitivities over the Mekong's flows have led to talks between China and Thailand on how the dams may affect the water levels.多方密切关注湄公河流域事件的发展,由此引发了中泰就大坝是否影响下游水位展开了多轮会谈。