




1.雏 摩珂 MOKO 希娜 HINA 西诺克 西诺客 SIRAMIC ...

3.汉能 ... 【角色扮演】可爱亚美 Amin 【角色扮演】大塚雏 Hina 【角色扮演】米琪 Miki ...

5.中国 photo 照片 hina 中国 finish 结束 ...

6.克罗地亚通讯社插手干预,放手给民股发挥。」根据了解,民股私下找了美国汉能创投HINA)基金,并且招兵买马,组成经营团队,亚太 …

8.花美雏花美雏(hina)出生:1988/12/20 星座:射手座 出生地:东京都 身高:148cm 血型:O型 三围:37H/23/34 吸血鬼鱼 标签:吸血鬼鱼,最怪 …


1.HINA: Thursday morning suits me and I'd prefer to see a lady doctor, if that's possible.周四早上适合我。我更希望接待我的是位女医生,如果可以的话。

2.Her lawyers demanded the video be shown in court, state news agency Hina reported.色萎的律师估倒要在法庭放这盘录象,国家新闻机构嗨啦报道说。

3.Normally, we don't say that people look tall, we say that they are tall. . . that's why I told Hina that I'm always looking tall.通常情况下,我们不会赞美别人看起来很高……这也就是为什么我告诉Hina我本来一直看起来就很高。

4.Chinese Commerce Minister Chen Deming and Pakistan State Minister for Finance and Economic Affairs Hina were present and depvered speeches.中国商业部部长陈德铭和巴基斯坦国家经济事务部部长希娜出席了会议并发表了讲话。

5.Hina Jilani is a prominent lawyer and co-founder of the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan.希纳.吉拉尼是巴基斯坦人权委员会的联合创办人,也是一位著名律师。

6.Pakistani officials reacted angrily, the Foreign Minister Hina Rabbani Khar warning that America risked losing an ally.巴基斯坦官员愤怒回应。外交部长HinaRabbaniKhar警告称美国可能失去一个盟友。

7.Two-month-old Hina Tanaka is cradled in the arms of her aunt.两个月大的田中果音被她的姑妈抱在怀里。

8.HINA RABBANI KHAR: "You will lose an ally, you cannot afford to apenate Pakistan, you cannot afford to apenate the Pakistani people. "你们将失去一个盟友,你们不能疏远巴基斯坦,你们不能疏远巴基斯坦人民。

9.Chinese eat with chopsticks, and foreigners eat with knives and forks.中国(C++hina)人用筷子吃饭,外国人用刀叉。

10.Visitors look at "hina" dolls at a community center in Katsura, western Japan on Sunday.参观民众周日在日本关西胜浦市一个社区中心里观赏雏人形娃娃。