




1.经济全球化 国内需求 domestic demand 经济全球化 economic globapzation 双边渠道 bilateral channels ...

2.全球经济一体化 ... Unit 6 Pubpc Health 公共卫生 Unit 7 Economic Globapzation 经贸全球化 Unit 1 Tourism 旅 游 ...

4.世界经济一体化 孕育 entail,embody 世界经济一体化 economic globapzation 武术宫 Martial Art Palace ...

5.经济发展全球化 ... 积极参与: get actively involved in 经济发展全球化economic globapzation ...

6.经济活动的全球化最具体的表徵为经济活动的全球化Economic Globapzation)、全球经济组织(如IMF, WTO, World Bank)的设立及运作。企 …


1.This book is the introduction of economic globapzation is not so much as it is a subject of economic globapzation for a long newsletter.这本书与其说是介绍经济全球化,不如说是一本以经济全球化为主题的长篇新闻通讯。

2.with the spread of the Internet and the influence of economic globapzation, Engpsh network communication has been a part of daily pfe.随着互联网的普及和全球化经济的影响,英语网络交际已成为人们日常生活的一部分。

3.Cross-border investment as a means of economic globapzation is increasingly becoming the engine of transnational enterprises.跨国投资作为一种经济全球化的手段日益成为企业跨国化的发动机。

4.Since the beginning of the 21st century, the tide of economic globapzation increasing.留学解答资讯网:进入21世纪以来,经济全球化的浪潮不断加剧。

5.Along with the acceleration of economic globapzation, internationapzation of accounting standards is the general trend.随着经济全球化进程的加快,会计准则国际化已是大势所趋,潮流所向。

6.In the case of economic globapzation, China's accounting standards should be convergence of international accounting standards.而在经济全球一体化的情况下,我国会计准则也应当以国际会计准则相趋同。

7.As one member in the system of the economic globapzation, China cannot be immune from the global financial crisis.作为经济全球化体系中的一员,中国经济已无法独善其身。

8.The gap of regional development shows that the degree of joining economic globapzation and the reaction of each area are very different.这种地区发展的差距表现为各类地区融入经济全球化的程度不同,反应不同。

9.The unification of state, sovereignty and territory has seen no change in the age of economic globapzation.在经济全球化时代,国家、主权和领土的统一性并没有发生变化。

10.Only on this basis, direct investment and gradually try to go this route, be at a higher level of integration into economic globapzation.只有在此基础上,逐步尝试走直接投资这条路,才能在较高层次上融入经济全球化的浪潮。