


网络释义:新加坡经济发展局(Economic Development Board);执行禁止位(Execute Disable Bit);教育局(Education Bureau)


1.新加坡经济发展局(Economic Development Board)) 其他参数其他性能 Intel病毒防护技术,支持Execute Disable Bit (EDB)技术,支持Enhanced Intel SpeedStep Technology (EI…

3.教育局(Education Bureau)小学向教育局(EDB)程报分数时,是以分数/或是级名次 来程报呢? 家长有怀疑时,又可唔可以向教育局查询呢 ? (班主任几个月前 …

4.二溴乙烷(Ethylenedibromide)消毒剂常用的有二溴乙烷EDB)及氯化苦等。确定茶行后,按茶行开种植沟,深50厘米、宽60厘米,种植沟内施足底肥,每 …


1.None of this conversion is persistent, meaning that data is not moved out of the. Edb file and written to the. Stm file.该转换不是永久性的,这意味着数据不会从.edb文件移出并写入.stm文件。

2.Embedded database(EDB) technology is one of the important steps for normal pervasive computing system.嵌入式数据库技术是整个普适计算系统正常工作中的重要一环。

3.Although Temp. Edb is not a transaction log file, it is kept in the same location as the transaction log files.尽管Temp.edb不是事务日志文件,但它保留在与事务日志文件相同的位置。

4.This mode reduces the gross size on the disk of the database (. Edb) by discarding most empty pages and by rebuilding indexes.此模式通过丢弃大多数空白页并重建索引,可以减小数据库(.edb)磁盘的总大小。

5.Instead, a single extra page is constructed and appended to the very end of the. Edb file.相反,会构建一个额外的页,并将其附加到.edb文件的末尾。

6.The logical size of the database equals the physical size of the. Edb file and the. Stm file minus the logical free space in each.数据库的逻辑大小等于.edb文件和.stm文件的物理大小减去各自的逻辑可用空间。

7.Space usage (maximum of four kilobytes of page numbers) and checksum data for the data in the streaming file is stored in the. Edb file.流式文件中数据的空间使用量(页码最大可达到4KB)与校验和数据均存储在.edb文件中。

8.Replace server_name with the appropriate server name and replace Mailbox_Database. Edb with the mailbox database name.使用适当的服务器名称替换server_name,并使用该邮箱数据库名称替换Mailbox_Database.edb。

9.Therefore, they have no understanding of. Edb files versus. Stm files.因此,它们不区分.edb文件和.stm文件。

10.However, much of the data needed for MAPI access is in the. Edb file.但是,进行MAPI访问所需的很多数据则在.edb文件中。