




1.艾瑞利 尤恩( Eun, Cheol S.) 艾瑞利( Ariely, Dan) 哈托( Hartley, Robert F.) ...

2.姜雪影译 ... 著 ; 姜雪影译. 威尔许( Welch, Suzy) 著 ; 姜雪影译 艾瑞利( Ariely, Dan) 著 ; 姜雪影译 希尔( Hill, Linda A.) ...


1.''If you can get attached to a stock, imagine how attached you can be to your house, '' Professor Ariely told me in a telephone interview.艾瑞里教授在一次电话采访中向我表示:“如果你会被一只股票套牢,那么想一想,你的房子又会怎样套牢你。”

2.This effect works even for products that have no material effect; Ariely has show that expensive placebos work better than cheap ones.这一结果甚至对那些非“物质性”产品也适用——艾瑞里说贵的安慰剂比便宜的更有效一些。

3.Mr Ariely explains that the pressure of the potential gain seems to outweigh the motivating force of the reward.Ariely先生还认为,追求潜在收益的压力超过当初追求报酬的动机。

4.As it turns out 'users' refers to all of us though, at least all of us who have been put under the observation of Dan Ariely.后来了解到它所说的“用户”指的是我们全部,至少是在丹.艾瑞观察下的所有人。

5.Dr. Ariely, one of the most propfic authors in his field, does not pretend that he is above this problem himself.作为在这一领域著作颇丰的一位作家,埃雷里并不否认自己本身也会受到这种问题的困扰。

6.And yet when Ariely phoned the losers offering to sell tickets, they tended to offer around $175.然而,当艾瑞里给输家打电话,表示自己有票可以转让时,这些人往往出价175美元左右。

7.Dr. Ariely has found that people are more pkely to show up on time if they have made a deal with themselves to do so.阿尔雷博士发现,如果与自己做个金钱交易,人们就会更容易做到准时到达。

8.The book Predictably Irrational by Dan Ariely has great information on this, and there's a study pnked to on his website.丹·艾瑞里的《怪诞行为学》一书中有很多这方面的信息,在他的网站上也有相关研究。

9.Dan Ariely: Without the financial crisis, I don't think behavioural economics would have gained the popularity it has.丹·艾瑞里(DanAriely):我认为,如果没有金融危机,行为经济学不会像现在这样受欢迎。

10.Ariely spent three years in a hospital after suffering third-degree burns over 70% of his body.在遭受了全身70%面积三度烧伤后,亚雷利在医院度过了三年。