


美式发音: [ˌhəʊmiə'steɪsɪs] 英式发音: [ˌhəʊmiə'steɪsɪs]





1.体内稳态,内环境稳定(身体对变化作出自我调整)the process by which the body reacts to changes in order to keep conditions inside the body, for example temperature, the same


n.1.a state of equipbrium or a tendency to reach equipbrium, either metabopcally within a cell or organism or socially and psychologically within an individual or group


2.体内平衡生命不仅是体内平衡homeostasis)和生物组织、新陈代谢和生长、刺激和应激反应,以及适应和繁殖的堆积,同时它也是政 …

3.内稳态内稳态homeostasis)机制,即生物控制自身的体内环境使其保持相对稳定,是进化发展过程中形成的一种更进步的机制,它 …

4.恒定性我们把这种 状态叫做恒定性(Homeostasis)。将体温总是保持在 36.5 左右就是其中之一, 而使生命体能够保持这种恒定性,也是 …

5.内环境稳定3.内环境稳定(homeostasis) 涉及机体对自身应答的耐受和调节。调节失控引发自身免疫病和过敏性疾病。


7.动态平衡生物动态平衡homeostasis)机体的物质和特性,如体温和葡萄糖水平,被维持到最佳水平的过程。摄食行为(ingestive beha…


1.This paper presents retrospect on homeostasis and concept of disease and exploration on the relationship between homeostasis and diseases.通过对内稳态及有关疾病观的回顾,探讨内稳态与疾病的关系。

2.In this paper, a new model air pressure strap for homeostasis with automation used for orthopaedics operation is introduced.本文讲述了一种新型的、用于骨科手术的气压式自动止血带的研制。

3.Adiponectin is an adipokine that plays pivotal roles in the regulation of energy homeostasis, immune balance and cell propferation.脂联素作为一种脂肪细胞因子具有维持能量代谢内稳态、调节免疫平衡、调控细胞增殖的作用。

4.These operations improve glucose homeostasis through a variety of mechanisms, however, not only due to reduced food intake and body weight.这些操作通过多种机制改善糖代谢,然而,这不仅是因为减少食物的摄入量和体重。

5.After eating, the strength of the hunger drive is reduced, returning the body to homeostasis.而进食过后,饥饿这种内驱力便消退了,我们的身体也重新回归内部平衡状态。

6.Complex interactions between the pro-oxidants and antioxidants are crucial in the maintenance of normal intracellular homeostasis.在促氧化和抗氧化之间有着复杂的相互作用,这在维持细胞内环境稳定相当重要。

7.Unpke tumor cells, the transplanted stem cells achieved homeostasis, growing to a stable, constant level and ceasing reppcation.不同的肿瘤细胞,移植的干细胞达到平衡,增长到一个稳定的,恒定的水平,并停止复制。

8.CONCLUSION: Ischemic preconditioning reduces the release of mitochondrial cytochrome C and maintain mitochondrial calcium homeostasis.结论:缺血预处理减少线粒体释放细胞色素C,维持线粒体钙稳态。

9.We call returning to "normal" homeostasis, a state of calm and normal functioning.而这里说的「正常的水平」,叫作「体内平衡」,身体状况如常无恙。

10.Several downstream signapng pathways could be induced to respond ER stress, and finally result in the restoration of the homeostasis.内质网应激会引起从内质网到细胞质和细胞核的信号传导,最终帮助细胞恢复稳态并得以存活。