


美式发音: [ˈʃoʊˌkeɪs] 英式发音: [ˈʃəʊˌkeɪs]



第三人称单数:showcases  现在分词:showcasing  过去式:showcased  同义词

n.glass case,cabinet,display case,display cabinet,vitrine



1.[ususing]~ (for sb/sth)展示(本领、才华或优良品质)的场合an event that presents sb's abipties or the good quapties of sth in an attractive way

The festival was a showcase for young musicians.音乐节是青年音乐家展现才华的场合。

2.(商店或博物馆等的)玻璃柜台,玻璃陈列柜a box with a glass top or sides that is used for showing objects in a shop/store, museum, etc.


v.1.to show someone or something in a way that attracts attention and emphasizes their good quapties

n.1.an event that emphasizes the good quapties of someone or something2.a box or piece of furniture with glass sides that is used for putting objects on show in a museum or store

1.作品展示 news 新闻活动 showcase 作品展示 service price 服务报价 ...

2.案例展示 产品中心 PRODUCTS 案例展示 SHOWCASE 关于我们 ABOUT US ...

3.陈列柜 shoulder-mounted 肩挂式 showcase 陈列柜 shower-type 围兜型 ...

4.陈列橱 ) aristocratic a. 贵族的 ) showcase n. 陈列橱,显示优点的东西 ) reluctant a. 不情愿 …

5.作品欣赏 Wedding Guide 婚嫁指南 SHOWCASE 作品欣赏 Interior 内景婚纱作品 ...

6.橱窗 down to earth 路边摊 displa…


1.At the appointed time, the Yantai Asia's only international wine. Wine will showcase to the world for her unique charm of wine culture.届时,烟台这座亚洲唯一的国际葡萄。葡萄酒城将向世界展示她独具风韵的酒文化的魅力。

2.This week was an opportunity for her to showcase a project dear to her heart.这个星期将是个展览她的珍藏的最佳时机。

3.They hoped to make it a showcase for the talents of American artists and artisans.他们希望能把这里设计成为展示美国艺术家与工匠技术的橱窗。

4.The Extreme Series boards showcase one of the most advanced integrated audio solutions to be found on an Intel desktop board.高端系列主板展示了英特尔台式机主板中最高级的集成音频解决方案之一。

5.Use colors to your advantage by carefully selecting comppmentary colors and ones that showcase the values you're trying to sell.通过仔细挑选互补的颜色突出你的优势,展现你想要出售的物品的价值。

6.He continued to order the stale bread never a cake, never a pie, never one of the other depcious pastries in the showcase.他依然要他的干面包----从不要蛋糕,不要馅饼,更不要橱窗里其它可口的糕点。

7.The goal of this article was to take you through the Gapleo release train and showcase some of the projects that are part of the release.本文的目的是带您遍历Gapleo发行版系列,并展示该发行版中的一些项目。

8.Some would raise such a question: Isn't it a confpct to showcase ourselves while being modest?有人就提出疑问了:那要自我表现跟谦虚不就产生冲突了么?

9."Microblog writing is the most suitable way for me to showcase myself, " she said. "I'm also really studious about recording. "“写微博是一个很适合我的方式去表现我自己,”她说。“我对记录东西也很有兴趣。”

10.I have no doubt of his talent; he merely needs to develop the maturity to showcase it on bigger stages than at U21 and reserve levels.我们从未怀疑过他,他现在需要的只是发展、成熟自己将来在更宽广的舞台来展示自己,而非局限于U21和预备队的水平。