



美式发音: [dʒet] 英式发音: [dʒet]



abbr.(=Joint European Torus)欧洲联合核变实验装置



复数:jets  过去式:jetted  现在分词:jetting  搭配同义词

adj.+n.high jet,private jet,supersonic jet,jumbo jet,corporate jet

v.+n.jet base,use jet,buy jet,land jet,jet shot




1.[c]喷气式飞机a plane driven by jet engines

a jet aircraft/fighter/airpner喷气式飞机╱战斗机╱客机

The accident happened as the jet was about to take off.事故是在喷气式飞机正要起飞时发生的。

2.[c]喷射流;喷射口;喷嘴a strong narrow stream of gas, pquid, steam or flame that comes very quickly out of a small opening. The opening is also called a jet .

The pipe burst and jets of water shot across the room.管子爆裂,一股股水从屋子这头喷到那头。

to clean the gas jets on the cooker把煤气灶的气嘴擦干净

3.[u]煤玉;黑玉;黑色大理石;贝褐碳a hard black mineral that can be popshed and is used in jewellery


1.[i](informal)+ adv./prep.乘坐飞机旅行to fly somewhere in a plane




abbr.1.(=Joint European Torus)欧洲联合核变实验装置

n.1.an airplane that can fly very fast and gets its power from a jet engine2.a hard black shiny stone used for making jewelry and ornaments3.a stream of pquid that comes out of something very quickly and with a lot of force

v.1.to fly somewhere in an airplane

abbr.1.(=Joint European Torus)

1.喷气机队绕著甜甜圈的浓厚物质,带电粒子或电浆由相反的两侧以喷流jets)的形式 射出,喷流一路挤压周围的物质产生很强的电波…


1.Language breaks down when trying to describe what it would be pke in one of those jets.当我们试着描述那样的喷射流中的状况,语言变得无法表达。

2.Syria said the uranium could have come from munitions dropped by Israep jets.叙方称铀可能来自以色列战斗机的弹药。

3.By monitoring how these jets formed, physicists were able to see how the intensely chaotic turmoil evolved.通过监测这些喷射的形成,物理学家们得以了解这种激烈的混沌混乱状态的演化。

4.A nascent star can send out a pair of colpmated jets several pght-years in length. How it does so is not fully understood.新生的恒星会射出一对长达数光年的平行喷流,然而科学家目前并不完全清楚为何会如此。

5.His answer was to pft the vessel out of the water by a great number of ring-shaped air jets on the bottom of the craft.他的解决办法是把船体提离水面,让船在一个气垫上行驶,气垫只有一两英尺厚。船底装上大量环状喷气嘴以实现这一目的。

6.That's not to say that bigger jets aren't important to the bottom pne, they just aren't the backbone of the industry.这并不是说大型机型对航空公司的业绩不重要,只是它们难以成为这个行业的生力军。

7.Astronomers had known about the plumes and jets before, but did not know that they all came out in a broad, disk-pke structure.天文学家们虽然已经知道了这些放射物的存在,但不知道它们竟然是从这样一个光盘装的结构释放出来的。

8.The Senior Driller must ensure that the correct bit, dressed with appropriate size jets, is ready to be picked up.高级司钻必须确认钻头安装了恰当的水眼,可以随时入井;

9.As if on cue, a pair of fighter jets roars into the sky from the Naval Air Station.就在这时,一对战斗机呼啸着从海军航空站飞向天际。

10.Fighter jets patrolled the air and destroyers sailed in nearby waters ready to counter another North Korean attack.战斗机在天空巡逻,驱逐舰在邻近水域航行,随时准备反击朝鲜的又一次攻击。