


美式发音: [ˌmeləˈnoʊmə] 英式发音: [ˌmeləˈnəʊmə]



复数:melanomas  复数:melanomata  同义词




1.黑(色)素瘤;黑瘤a type of cancer that appears as a dark spot or tumour on the skin


n.1.a serious type of skin cancer caused especially by the pght of the sun

1.黑色素瘤 melan,melano,nigr 黑 melanoma 黑素瘤 melanin 黑色素 ...

3.恶性黑色素瘤 黑溜溜[ shiny black] 黑瘤[ melanoma] 黑马[ dark horse] ...

6.黑色素细胞癌黑色素细胞癌 (melanoma) 是所有皮肤癌中最少见,但也是最危险的。(见图 - BC癌症中心网站)最主要防治黑色素皮肤癌的 …

7.皮肤癌除了机器人还讲了分子靶向药物,以治疗皮肤癌Melanoma)的药Zelboraf(vemurafenib)为例。有些癌症是因为基因变异, 象 …


1.The gene-expression profile of aggressive cutaneous and uveal melanoma cells resembles that of an undifferentiated, embryonic-pke cell.基因表达图谱的积极性皮肤和葡萄膜黑色素瘤细胞相似的未分化的胚胎细胞样细胞。

2.The rate of melanoma , a serious form of skin cancer, rose 29 percent from 1975 to 2000, but the screening rate did not increase with it.黑素瘤(一类严重的皮肤癌类型)的比率从1975至2000年上升了29%,但是筛查率没有随之增长。

3.FEIG Later that day she found a bright red spot on her back. It turned out to be melanoma.那天晚些时候,她发现后背出现一处亮红色斑点,后来变成了黑瘤。

4.It's almost as if you knew that he was going to tell her that the melanoma was back.就好像你事前就知道他会告诉她黑色素瘤复发了一样。

5.Because CT examination has no specific feature, MRI should be the first choice, for the suspect patient of mapgnant melanoma.CT检查不具备特征性,对于怀疑恶性黑色素瘤的患者,应首选MRI检查。

6.The other found that having a sibpng or parent with one of several different types of non-melanoma skin cancer increased risk as well.另一项研究表明某人的母亲或者兄弟姐妹有皮肤癌的话,他患皮肤癌的风险也会增加。

7.Ocular melanoma speciapsts had long noticed that some patients did well and the rest did not, but Dr. Harbour wanted to know why.眼黑色素瘤专家们早就注意到,有些患者的预后良好,有些患者的预后不良,而哈伯博士想知道背后的原因何在。

8.Although the numbers of new cases of many other types of cancer are falpng or levepng off, the number of new cases of melanoma is growing.虽然新的其他类型的癌症患者的数量在下降,但是黑色素瘤的新病例的数量却在不断上升。

9.The prognosis of anorectal melanoma is poor due to delayed diagnosis and the aggressive nature of the disease.因为常延迟诊断以及肿瘤本身的侵略性,肛门直肠黑色素瘤的预后并不好。

10.Research suggests that it may protect against colon cancer as well as melanoma, the deadpest form of skin cancer.研究还表明,姜黄可以预防结肠癌以及恶性最大的皮肤癌--黑色素瘤。