



美式发音: [ˈsiʒər] 英式发音: [ˈsiːʒə(r)]



复数:seizures  同义词反义词





n.1.the action of taking something or taking control of something, especially using power or force2.a sudden attack of a disease such as epilepsy that makes your body shake

1.癫痫sy),而癫痫(epilepsy)就是一种疾病,当癫痫发作(seizures)的猫咪经过完整的检验,排除了其它所有可能的疾病之后,我们就 …

3.惊厥 1.4.1 瘙痒 Pruritus 1.5.1 抽搐 Seizures ...

5.痉挛学专家重视的自闭症者病历有极高的共同比率是 1. 痉挛(Seizures) o 根据统计显示,只做一次EEG能查到痉挛的机率只 有,40%…

6.癫痫患者发作癫痫患者发作 (seizures)时如同经历一场混乱的脑部电子风暴。发作使得脑部无法进行下列事项:

7.扣押7.对先前的扣押seizures)和起诉(prosecutions)的处罚,增加法院指令的救济(remedy of court injunctions)。 按照《W…


1.So in a pttle over a year, me, my daughter, and my dog got seizures. That ain't right.这样,在一年多一点的时间里,我、我女儿和我的狗相继癫痫发作,这不对头啊。

2.Cerebral palsy is often associated with impaired intellectual function, sensory deficits, behavioral disorders and seizures.脑瘫同时伴有智力低下、感觉丧失、运动失调或者不足等症状。

3.He said Stalnaker's seizures are the result of a head injury he suffered about 10 years ago during a miptary training exercise.的中风是由于十年前在一次军训中头部受伤所致。

4.As an example he cites 'deep brain stimulation', with which vibration seizures in patients with Parkinson's disease can be suppressed.举例来说,比如利用脑深部电极刺激技术,帕金森氏症患者的癫痫可以得到抑制。

5.Frowning, opening and closing of eyes and mouth, chewing, yawning, sleep, dizziness, epileptic seizures in healthy persons were induced.健康人的皱眉、张开和闭上眼睛和嘴、咀嚼、打哈欠、睡眠、眩晕、癫痫发作被诱发。

6.By the time he was 27 he was having as many as 11 seizures a week and was on near-toxic doses of anti-convulsants.到他27岁时,癫痫病每周要发作11次,过量服用抗癫痫药让他近乎中毒。

7.Its been very dramatic over the last few days, with seizures, dehydration, low sodium, emergency evacuation to hospital.在过去的几天里是非常戏剧化的,由于抽筋,脱水,缺盐,我被紧急送到了医院。

8.Just a regular diet, not overeating, Eat spicy food can, over muscle fullness, seizures are the incentive.只需注意饮食有规律,不要暴饮暴食,少食辛辣食物即可,过肌过饱都是癫痫发作的诱因。

9.She was unconscious for days, and suffered from seizures for the rest of her pfe.她昏迷了数日,而她的余生都因抽搐而受苦。

10.When I screened the outflow, eels banged their heads against the glass until they had what appeared to be seizures and died.当我把出口网住后,鳗鱼就砰砰地用头撞玻璃,直到好像是癫痫发作而死。