




1.霍洛维茨治中的一个基本特征已渗透在国家的基本理念之中,正如霍罗威茨(Horowitz)和利萨克(Lissak)所做的评论:“在以色列,人们 …

5.霍罗维兹 (美)比尔( Beer,F.P.) (含光盘) 2版 (美)霍罗维兹( Horowitz, (美)特纳斯( Turns,S.R.) ...



1.Like an ice skater pulpng in her arms, the star spins faster as it shrinks, Horowitz explained.就像滑冰选手将手臂缩进,星球在缩小的时候旋转的速度越来越快。

2.Adam Horowitz, 23, who works as a technology consultant for a major accounting firm in New York, spends all day one-mail at his office.今年23岁,在纽约一家主要会计公司做技术顾问的AdamHorowitz,整天在他的办公室里处理邮件。

3.The Livingstonite, one Rick Horowitz, had been a classmate of mine in Mr. Hunt's fourth-grade class.这位里克·霍洛维茨曾经是我在亨特先生教的四年级班级里的一位同班同学。

4.Next up for the Freelancers Union is an onpne credit union where freelancers can save money as well as receive loans, says Horowitz.下一步自由职业者联盟准备成为一个在线信誉工会,会员可以在这里存款同样也能贷款。

5."Compared with the bosses of the firms they were going up against, the early labour leaders were the geniuses, " says Ms Horowitz.“同他们奋起反抗的公司老板比起来,早期的劳工领导人都是些天才,”霍拉维茨女士说。

6.To find out how strong the crusts of neutron stars really are, Horowitz and a colleague created a computer simulation of a star's surface.为了发现中子星的地壳到底有多么硬,Horowitz和一位同事建立了一颗星球表面的计算机模拟程序。

7.horowitz sees the rock music arena as a sort of debating forum , a place where ideas clash and crash.荷洛威茨把摇摆音乐剧场看成是辩论的讲坛,是各种思想交锋的场所。

8.Horowitz, the Citigroup analyst, has set a $22 price target for the bank's shares, despite his loss forecast.尽管花旗分析师Horowitz预计美国银行将录得亏损,但仍将其股价目标设为22美元。

9."You can't assume that the US government will just wait for that person to arrive in the US, " Mr Horowitz said.霍罗威茨表示:“你不能想当然地以为,美国政府会无所作为,只是等着那个人到美国来。”

10.As a coda, Mr Horowitz compares the experiences of Thomas Mann and Vladimir Nabokov in the United States.在书的完结部分,贺乐维兹比较了托马斯马恩和弗拉基尔纳博科夫在美国的经历。