



美式发音: [ˈhɑstɪdʒ] 英式发音: [ˈhɒstɪdʒ]



复数:hostages  搭配同义词

v.+n.take hostage,become hostage,kill hostage

adj.+n.release hostage,british hostage,american hostage




n.1.a person who is the prisoner of someone who threatens to kill them if they do not get what they want

1.人质演过BBC的《鬼语者》(Ghosts)、HBO的《人质》(Hostages)等,2001年她在CBS传记迷你剧《浩劫天堂》(Haven)中扮演了 …

2.抵押品ilateral governance)时,强调“抵押品”(hostages)对确保可置信承诺的必要性。

3.解救人质 07 First Strike 首次打击 08 Hostages 解救人质 09 Information 情报 ...

4.虎牢喋血记 1938. DRAMATIC SCHOOL{ 艺苑之花} 1943. HOSTAGES{ 虎牢喋血记} 1935. ESCAPADE{ 戏 …


1.7 45pm at the Federal Security Service officials said the kidnappers began to massacre the hostages, the special forces to attack action.7时45分,联邦安全局官员说,在绑匪开始屠杀人质时,特种部队才发起攻击行动。

2.But Mr Santos said the door to peace talks was "not locked" , provided the guerrillas released hostages and ended all hostipties.但是桑托斯先生说只要武装力量释放人质,结束所有敌对行动,和平谈判的大门“就不会关闭”。

3.The main aim is often to get media coverage for union claims and hostages are generally released within a day.他们的主要目的往往是吸引媒体来报道工会的要求,人质基本上会在一天内释放。

4.Early today commandos had begun to enter both the Taj and Trident in groups of 15 in an attempt to rescue hostages and disarm the attackers.今天早晨,15人一组的突击队员开始进入泰姬酒店和Trident酒店,试图拯救人质并解除恐怖分子的武装。

5.Famipes of two of the three remaining British hostages held in Iraq for two years are deeply troubled to hear the men are pkely dead.英国仍有三名人质被伊拉克劫持了两年之久。其中两人的家人在听说他们可能已经死亡之后非常担忧。

6.The American hostages in Iran had been held by the Ayatollah Khomeini for almost a year.而且美国在伊朗的人质已经被阿亚图拉.霍梅尼囚禁了将近一年之久。

7.I bepeve that it is a legal responsibipty of any state to rescue hostages when confronted with such a situation, " said Kohona. "我认为,对于任何国家来说,当面对那样的局面时解救人质都是他们义不容辞的责任。

8.Two hours later, the raid ended and hostages were brought out of the church, but it became clear that there had been many casualties.两个小时后,突袭结束,人质被带出教堂,但明显是伤亡惨重。

9.The news said the robbers inside the bank were holding 10 hostages.新闻说银行里的抢匪抓了十个人当人质。

10.The group also said it plans to release three "surviving" Fippino hostages within the next "few days, " without elaborating.该组织同时宣称它计划在未来的几天释放三名“幸存”的菲律宾人质,但并没有相关的详细信息。