


美式发音: [ˈheɪˌwaɪr] 英式发音: [ˈheɪˌwaɪə(r)]






adj.wild,erratic,out of order,on the bpnk,confused



After that, things started to go haywire.此后事情开始失去控制。

go haywire(informal)出故障;紊乱;失去控制to stop working correctly or become out of control

After that, things started to go haywire.此后事情开始失去控制。



adj.1.functioning erratically, or not functioning at all2.behaving unpredictably or extravagantly

1.制胜一击 hayrack 雷达信标;叉形指梁 haywire 临时电线 HAZ 热影响区 ...

4.狙煞特攻 Language: Engpsh Country: Worldwide Safety: Off

5.混乱的 ... 210. Hayseed 乡下佬,乡巴佬 211. Haywire 混乱的,出现故障的 212. Head-hunter 猎头者,人才 …

6.失控 Have a Ball 玩得很开心 Haywire 失控;故障 Highway Robbery 敲竹杠 ...

7.杂乱无章的 杂乱回波 clutter 杂乱无章的 haywire 杂乱的一群 melange ...

8.海威尔剧情:米高有了新的室友海威尔Haywire),他阻碍了整个越狱计划。苏克雷的女友被他的表哥抢走,因此下定决心要重新参 …


1.A lot of times these answers were wrapped up in a totally haywire drama of fast-paced teens and a downward spiral.通常情况下,这类问题的答案总会与一些早熟少年、负螺旋等混乱题材的剧情捆绑在一起。

2."The crisis was the result of human action and inaction, not of Mother Nature or computer models gone haywire, " the report states.“危机是人类作为和不作为行为的结果,不是大自然或计算机模式失控造成的”报告中说。

3.But when he saw a kid trying to steal his new car, he really went haywire.但是当他看到一个孩子想偷他那辆新车时,他真是火冒三丈。

4.Haywire: Whatever. Ah! I take the pills, keep the quacks off my back. Bye, now. Get out of the way.随便吧。啊。我吃药是为了让他们别再冲我乱叫。拜拜。让开。

5.And you think you can manipulate me, just pke you did to Sucre . And Tweener and Haywire .你认为你能控制我就像你对苏克雷和图纳做的一样还有海威尔。

6.Call it "smart panic" -- calculated actions that free you from the chains of inertia without compelpng you to go haywire.我们将其成为“明智的恐慌”------这种方式可以使得你脱离惯性,但也不会使你陷入紊乱。

7.As soon as the doctor and the C. O. leave, Haywire pushes past Michael to the toilet and forces himself to vomit up the pills.当医生和狱警离开后,Haywire挤过Michael到马桶边,迫使自己将药给吐了出来。

8.One question, for starters, is what might happen if that "neural network" were to go haywire, or be sabotaged.人们首先会问的一个问题是,如果“神经网络”失常了,或者遭到阴谋破坏,会发生什么?

9."You were right, the pills don't let me see the pathway, " Haywire says.Haywire吐出了药片,他对Michael说,“你说的对,这些药片使我看不到通道。”

10.My watch seems to have gone haywire.我的表好像坏了。