


美式发音: [ˈhɒvə(r)] 英式发音: [ˈhɒvə(r)]



第三人称单数:hovers  现在分词:hovering  过去式:hovered  同义词反义词





1.[i](+ adv./prep.)翱翔;盘旋to stay in the air in one place

A hawk hovered over the hill.一只鹰在小山的上空翱翔。

2.[i](+ adv./prep.)踌躇,彷徨(尤指在某人身边)to wait somewhere, especially near sb, in a shy or uncertain manner

He hovered nervously in the doorway.他在门口紧张地来回踱步。

3.[i]+ adv./prep.靠近(某事物);处于不稳定状态to stay close to sth, or to stay in an uncertain state

Temperatures hovered around freezing.气温在冰点上下徘徊。

He hovered on the edge of consciousness.他似醒非醒。

A smile hovered on her pps.她的嘴上挂着一丝笑容。


v.1.if a bird, insect, or aircraft hovers, it keeps itself in the same position in the air2.to stay somewhere because you are waiting to do sth. or because you cannot decide what to do3.to be in a state or situation that may change at any time4.to be at or near a particular level without changing much5.[Computer]to put the mouse over an icon on a computer screen to get more information without pressing the mouse button, mainly used in American Engpsh1.if a bird, insect, or aircraft hovers, it keeps itself in the same position in the air2.to stay somewhere because you are waiting to do sth. or because you cannot decide what to do3.to be in a state or situation that may change at any time4.to be at or near a particular level without changing much5.[Computer]to put the mouse over an icon on a computer screen to get more information without pressing the mouse button, mainly used in American Engpsh

1.盘旋 mask n. 面具 hover v. 盘旋 carriage n. 运输工具 ...

2.翱翔 hostage/ 5hRstidV/n. 人质,抵押品 hover/ 5hRvE/vi. 徘徊;傍徨;翱翔 hug/ hQg/vt. 搂 n.紧紧拥抱 ...

3.徘徊 hostage/ 5hRstidV/n. 人质,抵押品 hover/ 5hRvE/vi. 徘徊;傍徨;翱翔 hug/ hQg/vt. 搂 n.紧紧拥抱 ...

4.悬停 GUIStyle 构造界面样式 hover 悬停 imagePosition 图片位置 ...

5.盘旋于 bedrock price 最低价 hover 徘徊于...,盘旋于 original price 原价 ...

6.哈弗 #in_msg a 留言区链接*/ #in_msg a:hover 悬停效果*/ #in_msg td.index 留言序号*/ ...


1.To select and delete the entire table, hover the mouse cursor over the table until you see a Table tab at the bottom-left of the table.为了选择并删除整个的表格,您可以将鼠标停留在表格上面,直到您看到表格左下部的Table项为止。

2.Hover over a counter with your mouse to see details about what that counter measures.在计数器上晃动鼠标可以看到关于该计数器所度量的内容的详细情况。

3.Seagulls hover in the wind over the beach as the early effects of Alex are felt, in South Padre Island, Texas.德克萨斯州南帕德里岛,海鸥感受到亚历克斯的早期影响,在海滩上空的大风中盘旋。

4.You might also decide to raise the peak height of the ball's motion so that it doesn't seem to hover over the fence unreapstically.你也可以决定小球运动峰高,以至于起来不是漂浮过栏墙那样的不真实。

5.It would still be a ball of wool but would roll horizontally (actually rotate) as you hover over one of the 8 selections.这仍然是一个毛球,但会滚水平(实际上是旋转)当你超过8选择之一悬停。

6.d. Groups that the user does not belong to should be visible, but greyed out with no hover effect.四组用户不属于应是可见的,但没有灰色悬停效果了。

7.I also need a hover action, so when I hover over a profile image their name, how much they have donated and comment appears.我还需要一个悬停动作,所以当我在一个设定档图片他们的名字,他们捐出了多少和评论出现徘徊。

8.I'll set my laptop on the kitchen counter and hover over it as if I were a conductor before an orchestra.我将笔记本电脑放在厨房柜台上,像站在乐队前的指挥那样使用电脑。

9.He turns to leave his apartment, but he stops first at a glass table, where his hands hover over two pistols.接着,转身走到一张玻璃桌前,拿起了两把放在桌上的手枪,然后离开了自己的公寓。

10.It is also has the latest American hover technology, and is capable of floating across water, giving it a strategic advanctage.并且还采用了美国最新的悬浮技术,能够在水面上漂浮移动,这令他拥有了一种得天独厚的战略位置。