





2.麦咖啡所以就没办法正常上网了... 於是乎..我就把防毒软体锁资料上传的部分 …


1."Hacking used to be about making noise. Now it's about staying silent, " says Greg Day of McAfee, a vendor of IT security products.IT安全产品厂家McAfee的GregDay说道:“黑客攻击行为过去关注于闹腾一番,然而现在却偏于保持沉默。”

2."You are not getting what you think you are buying, " said the firm's director of research, Dave Marcus.McAfee研究部主管DaveMarcus明确表示:“你买不到你想要的东西。”

3.DeWalt joined McAfee at the beginning of April, and says his blogging represents a changing culture at the company.DeWalt于四月初加入McAfee,而且据说他的博客的出现象征了企业文化的转变。

4.The company has informed the FBI of its report, which said it was investigating the attacks and took the matter seriously.McAfee已将此报告告知了美国联邦调查局(FBI),后者说正在调查这些袭击活动,并对此事十分重视。

5.McAfee caught 13 more malware samples at execution but none of these could be attributed to its run-time HIPS capabipties.迈克菲被捕13个恶意软件样本,但没有在执行这些可能是由于它的运行时HIPS的能力。

6.Other antivirus vendors trying to protect against rootkits include McAfee and FSecure.其它试图查杀rootkit木马的反病毒厂商还有McAfee和FSecure。

7.Intel recently replaced McAfee's former CEO, David DeWalt, with a pair of co-presidents drawn from McAfee's ranks.英特尔最近更换了迈克菲公司的前首席执行官大卫.德瓦尔特,替代职位的是两位迈克菲的联合主席。

8.McAfee provided the data to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, which did not respond to requests for comment.McAfee给联邦调查局提供了数据调查,但她们对请求意见没有回应。

9.And that pattern of espionage, the company said, should raise fresh alarms in the corporate world about information theft.McAfee说,这种间谍模式应引起企业界对信息窃取行为新的警惕。

10."We are very focused on trying to win that business, " said McAfee Executive Vice President Todd Gebhart.“我们把重点放在努力赢得与HP公司的合作上,”McAfee的执行副总裁ToddGebhart说。