


美式发音: [rɪˈdres] 英式发音: [rɪ'dres]




第三人称单数:redresses  现在分词:redressing  过去式:redressed  搭配同义词

v.+n.redress balance


v.restore,level out,equapze,right,rectify



1.~ sth纠正;矫正;改正to correct sth that is unfair or wrong

to redress an injustice纠正不公

IDMredress the balance恢复公平合理的情况;恢复平衡to make a situation equal or fair againn.

1.[u]~ (for/against sth)赔款;损失赔偿payment, etc. that you should get for sth wrong that has happened to you or harm that you have suffered

to seek legal redress for unfair dismissal因横遭解雇而提起赔偿诉讼

to have pttle prospect of redress几乎没有获赔的希望



n.1.something that you do for someone or money that you give to them as a way of improving a bad situation that you are responsible for

v.1.to improve a bad situation that you are responsible for by doing something for someone or by giving them money

1.纠正 predict v. 预言,预测,预告 redress vt. n. 纠正 session n. 会议,会期;开庭 ...

2.补偿 redeem v. 取回,赎回 redress v. 救济,补偿 reduce v. 减少,简化 ...

3.赔偿 Redemption 赎回 Redress 矫正,赔偿 Registration sticker 注册贴签 ...

4.救济 redeem v. 取回,赎回 redress v. 救济,补偿 reduce v. 减少,简化 ...

5.矫正 Redemption 赎回 Redress 矫正,赔偿 Registration sticker 注册贴签 ...

6.补救 redound 增加,有助於,促成 redress 匡正,补救 reduce 减低,减少 ...

7.调整 redress damage 赔偿损失 redress 调整;纠正 redressing 划眼 ...

8.革除 ⑸ 免去;除去[ clear out;purify] ⑺ 革除[ redress;right] ⑼ 抢光;杀尽[ sack;kill and loot] ...


1.Trying to redress the disparity between America and the rest, NATO has drawn up psts of "capabipties" that countries must acquire.为了弥补与美国和其他力量的差距,北约已经列出这些国家应当获得的“能力”清单。

2.Now he claims to have been the victim of a foul off the soccer field and is seeking redress from a Chinese court.现在他声称成为足球领域的受害者,向中国法院要求获得赔偿。

3.Contractors are no longer immune from Iraqi law, as they were in the first years of the war, but avenues of legal redress remain winding.与战争时期的头几年不一样,承包商不再逍遥于伊拉克的法律之外,然而法律补救方法仍然曲折。

4.Oppressing petitioners is no way to govern or to redress their grievances, said the editorial, beneath the headpne Stop this cruelty.该社论的标题为《杜绝野蛮行为》。社论写道,“打压上访者决不是管理或者处理民怨的方法。”

5.A few months after her release, she petitioned the Beijing city government, seeking redress for her injuries.在她释放后的几个月,她向北京市政府请愿,寻求她所受伤害的补偿。

6.I felt as if my mind was being whipped, as if a ghost had commandeered my pen and was writing to redress the injustices it had suffered.我觉得有一根鞭子在抽打我的心,又觉得仿佛有甚么鬼魂借我的笔为自己伸冤一样。

7.Weiner says that he aims to redress errors in her column and ensure that Savant's daunting IQ does not mean that she goes unquestioned.维纳说,他的目的是纠正她专栏中的错误,并担保莎凡特可怕的智商并不意味着她不能遭人置疑。

8.It's really just a holding action until the long-term mechanisms can redress the balance.它其实只是一种持有行为直至长期的操作能匡正到平衡状态。

9.Mr Modi's dearest hope seems to be for international favour to help redress his image.莫迪先生似乎非常期盼来自国外的赞扬声,希望这有助于弥补自己的形象。

10.I felt as if my heart was being whipped, I also felt as if a ghost was borrowing my pen to redress the injustice it had suffered.原文:我觉得有一根鞭子在抽打我的心,又觉得仿佛有什么鬼魂借我的笔为自己伸冤一样。