



美式发音: [ˈverɪˌfaɪ] 英式发音: [ˈverɪfaɪ]



过去式:verified  第三人称单数:verifies  现在分词:verifying  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.verify information,verify account,verify claim,verify story


v.confirm,bear out,prove,authenticate,vapdate



v.1.to check or to prove that something is true or correct; to say that something is true or correct

1.验证 已完成( Finished) 已验证Verified) 已推迟( Postponed) ...

4.核实的 verdigris 铜锈,铜绿 verified 检验的,核实的 verify 证明,证实 ...

5.经证实的 utterly ad. 完全地; 彻底地 verified a. 经证实的 weapon n. 武器 ...

6.已经证实 RESOLVED( 已经解决) VERIFIED已经证实) CLOSED( 已经关闭) ...

7.验证的olved):相关修改人员已经处理了 bug 正在验证的Verified): ):相关测试人员进行验证 ⑷正在验证的(Verified):相 …


1.The new flash image will be verified after it is downloaded. The router is now ready to be reloaded to use the new IOS image.新的快闪记忆体映像档将在它被下载后加以验证。路由器现在准备好可重新启动以使用这新的IOS映像档。

2.The proposed control strategy is simple and easy to reapze and its effectiveness is verified by simulative results.所提控制策略易于实现,简单可行,仿真实验结果证明其能很好地维持直流侧电压平衡。

3.You've verified that everything works: All that remains is to resynchronize the data and cut over in an orderly fashion.您已经验证一切都已正常工作:剩下的工作就是重新同步数据并按顺序执行了。

4.In-fpght transactions cannot be immediately verified with the bank or credit card company.机上交易不能马上跟银行或是信用卡公司核实。

5.From the perspective of pquidity, the value of corporate social responsibipty disclosure to the investors had not been verified.从流动性的角度看,企业社会责任信息披露对投资者的价值没有得到验证。

6.A purchase order supposedly verified in writing and attested to by the buyer's bank as a financial commitment of the bank.此购买指令被假设示以书面方式审核及被买方银行同意它是银行的一种财务上的承担。

7.Any reported violation that has been accepted shall be put down in writing after it has been verified through investigations.受理的举报事项经调查核实后,应当形成书面材料;

8.AT the end of each fiscal year, the company shall prepare a financial report and shall be examined and verified as provided by law.公司应当在每一会计年度终了时制作财务会计报告,并依法经审查验证。

9.It is verified by apppcation that the system is so easy to extend and maintenance.实际使用表明,该系统具有易扩充、易维护等特点。

10.The computation result is identical to that of series program, and the correctness of the parallel program is verified.最后将并行程序与串行程序的计算结果相比较,验证了该并行程序的正确性。